The Study of Optical Properties Exciton Based of Molecular Quantum Dot
Subject Areas :
Journal of Physical & Theoretical Chemistry
Ali Mahmoudloo
1 - Department of Basic Science, Farhangian University, Tehran. Iran
Received: 2023-02-02
Accepted : 2023-03-17
Published : 2022-06-01
Exciton binding energy,
Quantum dots molecule,
Molar coefficient,
Photo generation,
Abstract :
Optical properties of semiconductors, dielectrics and metals play a key role in the development of thin film solar cells. While these devices belong to photon photodetectors both the photon and wave nature of light affects their performance. Some of these problems are discussed. In this Paper we Solve the Schrodinger equation using the numerical method of finite difference approximation and assume that the structure of our quantum dot molecule is two cubic GaAs quantum dots in the AlxGa1-xAs medium with dimensions .By simulation the energy of exciton dependence with different molar coefficients, it was observed that: In sample, the exciton binding energy decreases with increasing molar coefficient. At a constant molar coefficient, the exciton dependence energy increases as the potential barrier width increases. At a constant molar coefficient, the exciton binding energy increases as the potential well width increases.
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