Towards mathematical modeling for selecting logistics service providers: case of moroccan LSP
Subject Areas : Design of Experiment
Jabir Arif
Khaoula Azzouz
Mohamed Badr Benboubker
1 - Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University
2 - Mathematics , National School of Applied Sciences, Abdemalek Essaadi University, Tetouan,Morocco
3 - Mathematics, National School of Applied Sciences of Tetouan, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan.Morocco
Keywords: linear programming, Linear model, Contractors, Decision Making Methods, Mathematical modeling approach,
Abstract :
With the global market's growing competition, the use of logistics services in Morocco has become an urgent necessity to optimize costs and improve service quality.To succeed in this strategy, guidelines are proposed for the accompaniment of contractors. One of the fundamental pillars of this strategy is based on the choice of an efficient partner, which we call a Logistics Services Provider (LSP).Indeed, the bibliography contains numerous decision-making methods, so decision-makers have faced the challenge of selecting the most relevant method.The main challenge is to always seek the effectiveness and sustainability of the relationship in a network of potential partners, often very complex. To this purpose, an eminent need to model this relationship linking the actors of this network is required.The study carried out involves modeling the problem of LSP selection and the assignment of the service to be outsourced to the appropriate LSP. The linear model developed takes into account both qualitative and quantitative criteria. The model developed aims to optimize the overall cost of selecting the suitable LSP.The resolution method chosen for this problem is the Branch and Bound method and the tool used for the coding of this linear program is CPLEX.
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