Analysis of Causal Relationships Effective Factors on the Green Supplier Selection in Health Centers Using the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Cognitive Map (IFCM) Method
Subject Areas : Executive Management
Hossein Sayyadi tooranloo
Salim Karimi Takalo
Fatemeh Mohyadini
1 - Yahyazadeh Blvd., Khorramshahr Blvd., Meybod, Yazd, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Management Faculty, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran
3 - Master science of Management, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran
Keywords: Supplier selection, Hospital, Fuzzy Cognitive Map, Green supplier,
Abstract :
The healthcare sector is one of the largest service industries with the highest potential to improve environmental performance. Hospitals as an important part of the healthcare system must act in a way that reduces their environmental consequences, which requires having a green supplier. The aim of this study was to identify the effective factors on the green supplier selection (GSS) in the hospital and to present an excellent model for analyzing the relationships between these factors. In this study, 14 concepts that effect the green supplier selection of a hospital have been extracted from in-depth literature and interviews entailing: financial capability, creativity and innovation, green technology, flexibility, organizational capability, commitment, trust on supplier, green quality, green transportation, environmental cooperation with customers, hazardous materials management, buy green, green warehouse and green packaging.In addition Intuitive fuzzy cognitive mapping approach was also used for data analysis and conclusion. The results showed that green technology index with 0.43 degree was the most influential and organizational capability index with 0.29 degree had the most influence over the other concepts. In addition, focusing on concepts like financial capability, trust on supplier and creativity and innovation process of green supplier selection of hospital. Taking these in consideration these factors should be given specific attention.
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