The Regional Performance Impacts in the Supply Chain integration: Evidence from East Africa Basic Metal Industry
Subject Areas : Business Management
Alie Wube Dametew
Birehanu Beshah
Frank Ebinger
1 - PhD Candidate, School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Addis Ababa University Institute of Technology-Ethiopia and Faculty of Engineering Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm-Germany.
2 - School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Addis Ababa University Institute of Technology,Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
3 - Faculty of Engineering Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm-Germany
Keywords: Firm Performance, Supply Chain Integration, Basic Metal Industry, Economic Dynamics, and Impacts,
Abstract :
The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between regional firm performance and supply chain integration practices. In addition to literature survey, the primary data collection instrument used was a questionnaire which was administrated to a total sample of 200 industry experts, administrative officers, functional department heads and directors, the industry managing directors and senior staff from 21 manufacturing firms in Ethiopian were incorporated. The data were studied using the AHP, fuzzy TOPSIS, the mind map, and descriptive analysis. Further, the challenges, practices, performance, the practices of East African basic metal industry supply chain integration influences the dynamics contribution of the regional economy was fragmental. According to this study, due to weak, fragmental and non-integrated supply chain systems, the regional economic dynamic contribution of the sector is weak and poor in quality, productivity, flexibility, and global competitiveness were investigated. Moreover, these investigations and analysis of this paper have both practical and scholarly implications. The result is provided to contribute to the future supply chain integration model development and make an action to supply chain integrations for process improvements. Finally, the implications for the design on the dynamic capability of supply chain strategies are showing, and the future research agenda was presented
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