• abbasi.ebrahim Valuation of Companies Providing Digital Platform Services in Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]
  • Afshar Kazemi.Mohammad Ali Determining COVID-19 Tweet Check-Worthiness: Based On Deep Learning Approach [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]
  • Akbari.Ebrahim A Review of Feature Selection Method Based on Optimization Algorithms [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]
  • amin tahmasbi.hamzeh Green Reverse Supply Chain on the Way of Optimization: A Case of Dairy Sector [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]
  • Asghari Estiar.Farhad Valuation of Companies Providing Digital Platform Services in Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]
  • avakh darestani.soroush Green Reverse Supply Chain on the Way of Optimization: A Case of Dairy Sector [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]


  • Dehghan Takht Fooladi.Mehdi Non-deterministic Optimal Pricing of VMs in Cloud Environments: An IGDT-based Method [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]


  • Esmaeilpour.Mansour LA-Based Approaches to Infer Urban Structure from Traffic Dynamics Considering Costs [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]



  • haleh.hasan Green Reverse Supply Chain on the Way of Optimization: A Case of Dairy Sector [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]


  • Khajehvand.Vahid Cryptographic Algorithms: A Review of the Literature, Weaknesses and Open Challenges [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]
  • Khodadadi.MohammadHosein A Model for Predicting Building Energy Consumption Based on the Stacking of Machine Learning Regression Models [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]


  • maleknasab ardekani.mahdi Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm to Identify Sybil Attacks in Vehicular ad Hoc Networks [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]
  • Menhaj.Mohamad Bager Epileptic Seizure Prediction using Multi-Channel Raw EEGs with Convolutional Neural Network [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]
  • mohammadzadeh.amir Valuation of Companies Providing Digital Platform Services in Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]
  • Motameni.Homayoon A Review of Feature Selection Method Based on Optimization Algorithms [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]
  • Motie Nasrabadi.Ali Epileptic Seizure Prediction using Multi-Channel Raw EEGs with Convolutional Neural Network [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]


  • Naghdehforoushhaa.Mona Non-deterministic Optimal Pricing of VMs in Cloud Environments: An IGDT-based Method [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]
  • Nasiri.Mohammad Reza CHB STATCOM Utilization for Smoothing Power Oscillations of Fixed Speed Wind Farms [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]
  • Nazari.Jamal Epileptic Seizure Prediction using Multi-Channel Raw EEGs with Convolutional Neural Network [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]
  • nematzadeh.Hossein A Review of Feature Selection Method Based on Optimization Algorithms [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]



  • Raiesdana.Somayeh Epileptic Seizure Prediction using Multi-Channel Raw EEGs with Convolutional Neural Network [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]
  • rashidi.Hasan On Complex Systems and Structure of Emergence in Games- A Survey [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]
  • Rezvani.Mohammad Hossein Non-deterministic Optimal Pricing of VMs in Cloud Environments: An IGDT-based Method [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]
  • Riazi.Ladan A Model for Predicting Building Energy Consumption Based on the Stacking of Machine Learning Regression Models [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]


  • Sadeghian.Zohre A Review of Feature Selection Method Based on Optimization Algorithms [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]
  • safiarian.hosniyeh Determining COVID-19 Tweet Check-Worthiness: Based On Deep Learning Approach [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]
  • salami.yashar Cryptographic Algorithms: A Review of the Literature, Weaknesses and Open Challenges [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]
  • Shayegan.Mohammad Amin Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm to Identify Sybil Attacks in Vehicular ad Hoc Networks [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]


  • tabarzad.mohammad Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm to Identify Sybil Attacks in Vehicular ad Hoc Networks [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]
  • Tarokh.Jafar Determining COVID-19 Tweet Check-Worthiness: Based On Deep Learning Approach [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]


  • Yasinian.Hamid LA-Based Approaches to Infer Urban Structure from Traffic Dynamics Considering Costs [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]
  • Yazdani.Samaneh A Model for Predicting Building Energy Consumption Based on the Stacking of Machine Learning Regression Models [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]


  • zarrat dakheli parast.zeinab Green Reverse Supply Chain on the Way of Optimization: A Case of Dairy Sector [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]
  • Zeinali.Esmaeil Cryptographic Algorithms: A Review of the Literature, Weaknesses and Open Challenges [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Summer Year 2023]