Evaluating the Harris ,BRISK and SURF Feature Points in Watermarking Based on Histogram and Knapsack Problem
Subject Areas : Journal of Computer & RoboticsAli Amiri 1 , Sattar Mirzakuchaki 2 *
1 - aDepartment of Electronic Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
2 - b Department of Electronic Engineering,Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: watermarking, feature points, SURF, Knapsack problem, geometric attacks,
Abstract :
With the increasing expansion of the world wide web and social networks, the use of copyright and the prevention of illegal copying in such a way that the proprietorship of the copyrighted work can be proven, has become more popular. With ever-increasing use of the Internet as well as digital audio and video, watermarking has become progressively essential for protecting copyright. In fact, digital watermarking can be a good solution to this problem. Due to having unchangeable nature, applying local features as the second generation of watermarking has gained attention for reaching more stability against attacks. Accordingly, in this article, first, by comparing point-based methods, we choose the most resistant features to attacks based on experiments from the stability perspective. Afterward, an optimal selection process is formulated as a backpack problem to select the stable non-overlapped areas, in which watermark is located. Finally, results are presented for the three feature points algorithms separately.Finally, each selected Region is normalized to obtain a geometrically fixed Region. The proposed plan can withstand various attacks, including the processing of the quasi-noise signals and geometric distortions. The results are compared using the two mentioned feature extraction algorithms and the evaluation of the results is based on the StirMark criterion
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