The Right to Health of Child Labor and Adolescents Worker against Pollutants and Chemical Hazards in the Workplace
Subject Areas : Journal of Chemical Health Risks
Mohammad Amin Hasanzadeh
Fakhroddin Abuieh
Jafar Shafiee Sardasht
1 - Department of Public Law, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran
2 - Department of International Law, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran
3 - Department of Law, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: Occupational health, Work, Children, Teenager, Chemical hazard,
Abstract :
According to the association between increased micronuclei (MNi) level in reproductive age women and increased risk of congenital abnormalities, we aimed in this study to find the contribution of WTS to women's health in apparently healthy young cases by comparing the variability of MN values in water pipe smokers and non-smokers. Finding the associations between MNi levels and demographic, socioeconomic, reproductive, and lifestyle factors was the secondary scope of this study. This cross-sectional case-control study was performed on 30 premenopausal women (15 cases and 15 controls) who lived in Tehran, according to our inclusion criteria. The mean MN frequency among waterpipe smokers was 28.53± 7.462, whereas the same parameter in the control group was 6.53 + 3.24 (p= 0.001). Non-parametric tests revealed a significant association between MNi and frequency of waterpipe smoking (p = 0.001), age of starting waterpipe smoking (p = 0.003), concurrent use of alcoholic drinks (p= 0.004), and secondhand smoking (p =0.001). In the context of heavy environmental pollution in Tehran, significantly higher MNi frequencies and decreased genomic health in waterpipe smoker women in reproductive age may predispose them to an increased risk of harmful reproductive outcomes. These findings emerge from governmental and non-governmental biomonitoring programs in high-risk women to concern more on unhealthy lifestyles and environmental pollution.
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The right to health of child labor and Adolescents worker against pollutants and chemical hazards in the workplace
The ever-increasing development, discovery, production and application of chemicals has brought convenience and prosperity to humans, and chemicals are used in many industries for various tasks. On the other hand, the exposure of workers to harmful chemical agents in the industrial sector has caused increasing attention to the occupational health of workers. Considering that exposure to chemicals in the workplace has harmful effects on people's health, it is clear that the safety and health of child and adolescent workers are at greater risk and damage from harmful factors compared to adults. Therefore, the main question facing this article is what mechanisms exist to ensure the health of workers, especially children and teenagers in the workplace? In response to the aforementioned question, the authors concluded that policymakers and legislators by adopting an active approach to international capacities Such as taking advantage of the experience of other countries and international organizations in this field, they have developed policies and enacted related laws at the domestic level. In addition, they should provide the context for the accession and implementation of all relevant international conventions, especially the International Labor Organization conventions. And most importantly, follow their implementation through various mechanisms, especially continuous inspection of workshops to finally provide a suitable guarantee for working children and teenagers against injuries caused by harmful factors, especially pollutants and chemicals.
Keywords: occupational health, work, children, teenager, chemical hazard
Work and activity are obvious in human life. Without work, interacting with people in the community and meeting the various needs of life will not be possible. The specialization of human affairs has made him more dependent on others and he has to provide the goods and services he needs through others. He also works for himself and earns income. Work is the intellectual or physical effort that people make to meet their material, spiritual, personal and social needs [1] In addition to its obvious role as a source of income, work is important in terms of more important aspects such as personal identity definition, self-confidence and psychological well-being of employees. [2] The workplace has been designated as one of the priority environments for health promotion in the 21st century. Most adults spend half of their waking hours at work, which can make the workplace an ideal environment for health promotion. [3]
A healthy work environment is an environment in which, in addition to providing physical health, the psychological health of employees is also provided. [4] So far, there has been a lot of emphasis on the risk and injury factors in relation to job performance. Human power is considered as one of the most valuable capitals, the most important competitive advantage and the most scarce resource in today's knowledge-based economy. [5] Improving the safety and health of the workplace is a vital activity and the benefits of a safe and healthy work environment can be more productivity due to the loss of fewer working days. Increasing the efficiency and quality of a more committed workforce, reducing medical and insurance costs, lowering the amount of workers' compensation and direct payment due to filling fewer claims, more flexibility and adaptability in the workforce as a result of increasing participation and increasing the sense of ownership [6] Every year in the world, more than one million people die due to radiation sickness and work-related accidents, which is more widespread and severe in developing countries. Currently, accidents caused by work are considered as the third cause of death in the world, and the number of people killed due to accidents at work increases every year [7] Occupational health and health literacy are very effective in preventing work accidents. The purpose of occupational health is to promote and provide the highest possible level of physical, mental and social condition of all jobs, to prevent occupational diseases and accidents, and finally to adapt people to work [8] Health literacy is known to be one of the effective factors of access to health-related information and, as a result, better self-care. Health literacy is defined as the ability of people to obtain, interpret, act, and understand basic information about health services needed in making appropriate health decisions [9] Health literacy leads to the acquisition of capacities and basic understanding of health information and services needed for people so that they can make appropriate health decisions. [10]
child labor
Childhood is very important in the growth and health of children and the formation of their personality, and paying attention to their basic needs and rights during this period plays an important role in raising capable and worthy children for the society that they are the creators of its future. The existence of harm and social problems in any society puts children at risk more than other groups and harms their growth and health. Working children, including children, are vulnerable. These children are exposed to various risks They face many problems and suffer from many deficiencies from their basic rights such as education, health, proper nutrition, etc. in all areas of physical, mental, psychological and social development. [11]
According to Article 1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a person under the age of 18 is a child, unless the child's age of maturity is set lower according to the applicable law. According to this article, a child refers to a person who is less than eighteen years old based on the age criterion determined based on birth. Article 2 of Convention No. 182 of the International Labor Organization states that the term child is used for all people under 18 years of age.
Different researchers gave different definitions of working children. Most of them have defined working children as children who do economic activities and participate in market activities. But another group of researchers consider both children who work outside the home and children who work at home for domestic purposes as working children. [12] In other words, it can be said that the meaning of child labor is to engage children in economic activity, which deprives them of education and basic facilities for personal and social development, which also has exploitation and harm. [13]
In some countries, the legal age for starting work is very low, and working of children at a young age is generally not considered illegal. In cases where the legal starting age is high, the child is actually forced to work at a younger age than the legal limit [14] Exploitation of child labor has been common since the past and protection of children was less important. But in the last century, more attention has been paid to the issue of child labor and measures have been taken to protect children. As an example, the law of March 22, 1841 regarding the working conditions of children and workers in factories and workshops is considered the first labor law in France [1]
Child labor is a pervasive problem throughout the world, especially in developing countries. Statistics on child labor are unreliable. The ILO estimates there are between 100 and 200 million children whose labor is being exploited throughout the world. Over 95% of these children are in developing countries. Work conditions put these children in hazardous situations with exposure to toxic and deadly chemicals and hard labor, leading to the deformation of young bodies. [15] Considering that child labor is more prevalent in developing countries and that an expected health dividend from the elimination of child work is one of the major drivers of international efforts to intervene at the policy level, there is the need for a clearer understanding of how child work relates to health. [16] Recent international activities have focused on efforts to prevent the most harmful forms of child labor. The Convention 182 of ILO calls for the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labor, which includes work that is likely to endanger health and safety.
Child labor is often found in informal sector industries including agriculture, mining, manufacturing, domestic work, and construction. Considering that many of these environments are illegal, they do not have minimum occupational health and safety And children face various occupational hazards. Among occupational hazards, childhood exposure to chemicals can be particularly dangerous and pose a major health threat. Chemical hazards in the workplace can cause serious injury or illness to children, leading to disabilities and chronic conditions that can last into adulthood. As a result, exposure to hazardous chemicals at work can have a negative impact on health [17]
The impact of chemicals on human health with emphasis on workers in the workplace
The adverse effects caused by hazardous waste materials are very different and varied. Some of these effects are short-term and severe Poisoning by dangerous chemicals is a clear example of this type of poisoning. The experiences of other countries show that in this regard, children in the age group of 1 to 10 years are a critical group. Another category of health effects are long-term effects. These complications appear in a relatively long period of time, which are mostly related to the characteristics of bioaccumulation, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity and teratogenicity, and chemical substances [18] The increasing development of the discovery of the production and use of about 650,000 chemical substances has brought comfort and prosperity to humanity. But the lack of proper use of these materials in raw or intermediate form or final products has caused many life and financial risks in addition to environmental pollution. [19]
Different types of chemical effects
Chronic effects: caused by long-term contact with a substance, and the symptoms usually do not disappear after stopping contact. Examples of chronic health effects include asthma and cancer.
Acute effects: This effect is observed immediately after exposure and is often the result of short-term exposure but a large amount of chemicals. Many times the symptoms subside after the cause is removed, however, depending on the amount, permanent damage or even death can occur from one exposure. Examples of acute health effects include dizziness, skin irritation, and throat irritation.
Factors affecting the hazards of chemicals
Chemical type |
The amount you are exposed to |
When and how long you are exposed |
How you are exposed (through food, water, air, products) |
Your age and general health |
Improper or accidental use of chemical products may cause immediate health effects, such as skin irritation or eye irritation or burns or poisoning. They can also have long-term chemical effects on health. This is usually the result of prolonged exposure to certain chemicals. Depending on the type of chemical, these long-term health effects may include: [20]
Effects of chemicals on health
Organ damage |
Weakening of the immune system |
Allergy or asthma |
Reproductive problems and birth defects |
Effects on mental, intellectual or physical development of children |
cancer |
Preventive measures regarding occupational accidents and diseases and reducing the exposure of workers to harmful substances or other destructive environmental conditions that directly or indirectly affect human health are very important in maintaining the health of workers. Chemicals are one of the occupational hazards for people's health. Today, the use of chemicals in human life is inevitable. Undoubtedly, the use of chemicals in many aspects of life and economic activities has brought important benefits and changed the quality of human life. However, evidence and epidemiological studies indicate that the incorrect use of chemicals can be problematic for human health and the environment, so that the excessive use of chemicals and the unsanitary disposal of waste materials resulting from them cause health damage and even death. It has been humanized and unsafe use has caused chemical accidents in work environments and environmental disasters. In 1962, Ms. Russell Carson for the first time in her book "Silent Spring" mentioned the excessive use of chemicals by humans and showed its harmful effects on human health and the environment. Therefore, many believe that the publication of this book has had a significant impact on the society's awareness and awareness about this matter The importance of the correct use and management of chemicals has been and is a global issue Therefore, in order to respond scientifically to the problems caused by the widespread use of chemicals at the global level, which is a threat to the health of the present and future generations, as well as the quality of the environment.
In 1980, the International Chemical Safety Program was established as a result of the joint cooperation of the World Health Organization, the United Nations Environmental Program, and the International Labor Organization with two general goals. These goals were to coordinate and speed up activities related to chemical safety, especially risk assessment for human health and the environment and the synergy of capabilities to ensure the preservation of human health and the environment against the harmful effects of chemicals in all stages of the life cycle of a chemical including production Transportation Use and chemical disposal. Contact with chemicals is very diverse and is available in a wide range of industrial and non -industrial workplaces and small and large workshops. In addition to the factories and chemical industries, the laboratories are also workplaces in which people have a lot of contact with the risks of chemicals so that some of these risks are rarely present in other environments. It is certain that the nature of the risks of work in laboratories differs from that of industrial factories Compared to chemicals manufacturers that workers may have a relatively limited number of chemicals in relatively high and long -term contacts. In research laboratories, people are usually in contact with a large number of chemicals in low levels and short time, which rarely increases their density long -term. Of course, this is true when the laboratory work is accessible to the required protective equipment and work in a equipped laboratory [21] The risk is done to prevent and reduce the risk of chemicals in the workplace. Evaluation of health risk processing is the probability of harmful effects on health caused by human exposure to the conditions. At the end of the standard editing of the Security Management and Occupational Management System, the risk assessment is defined as the risk of the risks of risks in the workplace, taking into account the existing control measures and deciding whether or not it is accepted. In assessing the risk of chemicals, the amount of risk for the users is determined and the necessary requirements for protecting personnel against the chemicals are recommended. Also, according to the guidelines of the country, employees and workers must be exposed to chemicals in safe conditions [22]
Occupational Diseases and Task Poisoning is one of the problems of industrialized countries and growing countries Hundreds of thousands of workers are deprived of work each year due to job poisoning. If the costs of absenteeism due to job poisoning as well as the costs of recovering and restoring workers are calculated, the importance of the problem is clarified. Poisoning is usually divided into acute and chronic categories Occupational poisoning is usually chronic, the effects and remnants of pesticides are first searched and measured in the workplace's workplace and then surveys on workers. For this task can be of urine tests, Blood, Stool, Sweat, Lion, Nail, Hair And... Used and found to the existence of toxic substances and even their quantity Compared to developed countries, developing countries are plagued by work -related problems, and our country is no exception. To maintain workers' health and improve productivity, this should be paid to this issue and achieve appropriate solutions to reduce costs. To achieve these goals, we need to take steps by identifying the types of job poisoning and its factors to prevent workers [23]
The need to maintain the health of workers in the workplace
From the point of view of the World Health Organization, living well, complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not just the absence of illness and disability, has been defined as the definition of health. Looking at the current situation, the most conventional definition of work and health looks at the workplace as a source of pathogenic factors, which range from general work anxiety to specific risks of industrial work, such as accidents and cancers. The third cause of mortality in the world and the second cause of death in Iran after traffic accidents is job -related accidents that are one of the most important health, social and economic risk factors in developed and developing countries. The World Health Organization in the Ottawa Charter defines the health promotion process as the process of empowering people to identify and control the factors affecting individual health, social, healthy lifestyle. Research has shown that unhealthy employees and people who have unhealthy lifestyles are low in productivity, reduced work ability, and more days become sick. And also, employers seek to reduce staff health by increasing health care costs and productivity and preventing chronic diseases among workers and employees, reducing unhealthy behaviors and costs related to accidents, treatment and disabilities. Promotion of workplace health is important in preventing non -communicable diseases among employees and employees [24]
Work is standard only when it is safe and healthy and preserves human freedom and dignity. The commitment to protect workers against work-related illnesses and injuries is one of the main goals of the International Labor Organization. Increasing the quality of human resources is one of the most important factors in improving labor productivity. Human health in general and labor force in particular is considered a type of capital because health leads to more productivity and production and creates more income and prosperity. Improving the quality of the workforce can be achieved by raising the level of health and hygiene of the workforce Proper health makes people healthy and increases the potential and actual power of the workforce, and a healthier workforce will contribute more to increasing production and economic growth.
One of the biggest challenges that societies will face in the next century is maintaining health and quality of life. Focusing on people's health status alone is not enough to solve health problems in workplaces The economic costs of occupational health and safety problems impose a heavy burden on the competitiveness of governments and organizations, therefore, ensuring the preservation and promotion of the health of the workforce, in addition to preserving values, helps the growth and promotion of technology and production. People spend more than a third of their lives in the workplace Providing safety and health and working environments has a great priority and importance in economic development and reducing the costs caused by it On the other hand, it provides an important social work environment for appropriate behavioral interventions and is an important channel for the delivery of interventions planned to reduce chronic diseases among the adult population. Research has shown that 80% of people in the society are accessible through work environments and basically, due to having the properties of a small community, the work environment is a suitable place for creating healthy behaviors in adults. [25]
Guarantees of the right to the health of children and adolescents in the workplace
Health is the absence of continuous disease and wellness or normal and optimal functioning of an organism in a state without disease or abnormality. But according to the definition of health in the preamble of the World Health Organization's constitution, health is defined not only in the sense of the absence of disease, but also in the concept of complete physical and mental health. And the goal of the organization and all governments is to improve the health of all people to the highest possible level. Various principles of the Iranian Constitution, including Article 23, recognize the right to healthcare and medical care for everyone. The second reflection of the right to health in Iran's laws is the twenty-year vision document, which, while describing the characteristics of a healthy Iranian society, mentions issues related to the health sector. Also, the seventh chapter of the fourth economic-social and cultural development program of the Islamic Republic of Iran And the section related to health of the law of the fifth development plan is dedicated to promoting health and improving the quality of life And finally, the laws related to insurance explain and recognize this right. The right to health includes the conditions that governments are committed to provide in order to provide the facilities for a healthy life. The right to health as one of the fundamental human rights has a special place in national and international documents and is among the accepted principles in all countries including the Islamic Republic of Iran. [26] For example, Article 5 of the Labor Code states that women and minor persons should not be hired for jobs that have harmful effects on their health or physical development [27]
International guarantees
World Declaration of Human Rights: Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that every human being deserves a life of acceptable standards to provide the health and well -being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, medical care and social services. As well as the right to have in times of unemployment, Sickness, Maim, Aging and the lack of resources of livelihoods, Under any circumstances that are out of power, benefit from social security.
World Health Organization: According to the constitution of the World Health Organization, the countries that are members of this assembly agree to the United Nations Charter and declare that its principles are the basis of the happiness of nations and the compatibility of their relations and ensuring their security. Health is based on the complete well-being of the body and soul of society and is not simply a lack of happiness or well-being. The One of the fundamental rights of every human being is to have access to the best state of well-being and health, and differences in race, religion, political opinions, and economic and social status should not be an obstacle to achieving the destination. The health of all nations is the basic condition for global peace and security, and it is not possible to achieve this condition without the serious cooperation of individuals and governments. The results of this collaboration are valuable for everyone to improve and maintain health. The inequality of different countries in improving health and fighting against diseases, especially difficult diseases, is a danger that threatens everyone. Cultivating healthy people is of great importance and creating a force that gives people the opportunity to live with an environment that is constantly changing and transforming.
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: In Article 12, the states party to this covenant recognize the right of everyone to enjoy the best possible state of physical and mental health. The definitions and examples of the right to health are illustrative and non-exclusive: Paragraph 1 of Article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the United Nations gives a definition of health. And paragraph 2 of it deals with illustrative and non-exclusive examples of obligations of the member states. The Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has used a general and general phrase in Part (b) Clause 2 of Article 12 under the title of improving all aspects of environmental and industrial health, which requires the governments of the parties to the Covenant to fully achieve the right, in the form of undertakes the necessary measures to ensure it. These obligations, which include the right to a healthy natural environment and occupational health, have been interpreted by the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Committee. Improving all aspects of environmental and industrial health includes the following: preventive measures regarding occupational accidents and diseases; The requirement to provide sufficient supply of safe and potable water and basic hygiene; Prevention and reduction of exposure of the population to harmful substances such as radiation and harmful chemicals or other harmful environmental conditions that directly or indirectly affect human health. In addition, industrial hygiene is considered to mean the minimization of health hazards in the work environment to the extent that is reasonably practicable [28]
Convention on the Rights of the Child According to Article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the member countries recognize the right of the child to enjoy the highest health standards and obtainable facilities for the treatment of illness and recovery of health. and obligates the member states to try to ensure that no child is deprived of the right to access such health services. Also, the member countries are requested to fully implement this right and take appropriate measures in terms of guaranteeing the provision of medical aid and necessary health care for all children, emphasizing the expansion of primary health care. The fight against diseases and malnutrition in the framework of primary health care by using existing technology and providing sufficient and nutritious food and healthy drinking water is expensive considering the dangers of environmental pollution. The Convention on the Rights of the Child directs governments to provide access to basic health services for children and their families. The convention links these goals to providing access to appropriate information for children in the field of preventive and health-promoting behavior and supporting families and communities in implementing these procedures. Also, member states must provide a safe and supportive environment for teenagers; An environment that guarantees the opportunity to participate in decisions that affect their health, acquire life skills and learn appropriate information, receive advice and discuss about choices related to health behavior [28]
International Labor Organization: The International Labor Organization is required to protect workers against physical and mental illnesses and injuries caused by hazards and accidents in the workplace, including ergonomic and work hazards. The standards of the International Labor Organization have a great influence on the laws and regulations of governments One of these standards is the contract for occupational health services and its proposals Occupational health services include preventive activities and necessary and responsible recommendations to help workers and their representatives in creating and maintaining a healthy and safe work environment. Occupational health considerations including skeletal and muscular injuries Violence Stress Biological, chemical and physical hazards The health service sector plays an important role in prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care of the receiving population, as well as combating discrimination, for this purpose, workers' health, individual health, work and legal conditions must be observed. The first step to assess workers' health according to the International Labor Organization is periodic medical examinations and followed by biological tests to investigate possible diseases and identify any signs of disease and harmful pressures to disease surveillance to identify the relationship between the causes of disease and any health hazards that may exist in the workplace. Applying the registration and warning system to monitor deaths and side effects of occupational accidents and diseases. Epidemiological research has been suggested to monitor occupational diseases and ultimately maintain the confidentiality of workers' health data [25]
Considering that the International Labor Organization considers one of its goals to be the protection of workers against public or occupational diseases and work-related accidents, in line with the implementation of this goal, it has approved several documents. more than one-third of all category letters and recommendation letters that have been approved so far directly or indirectly deal with the issue of health and safety of workers and the work environment. In a general classification, all the documents that have been approved in the above field can be divided into three general categories: The first category of documents approved to protect workers against dangerous substances. The second category of documents that have been approved in order to support workers working in specific occupations. and the third category of documents related to health and safety in the workplace [29]
Internal guarantees
Working at a young age causes a lot of damage to the human body and mind. During the industrial revolution, the inhumane and materialistic use of children created a pitiful situation in industrial societies. This caused the first demands to improve the condition of workers, especially the revision of the working conditions of children and women workers, and the first protective regulations regarding this category were approved at the international level and consequently at the domestic level of countries including Iran. Accordingly, they should be supported in terms of various factors such as occupational health, internship, training, medical round tests, less working hours, not engaging in dangerous, hard, harmful and unethical work. Children and teenagers in work groups are among the most dangerous groups, because compared to other groups, even women who are protected by national and international laws, are at greater physical and psychological risk. For this reason, they need more support from other groups. Although the labor laws were created to protect the interests of workers and protect their rights and social peace, and for this reason, they have the characteristics of public order, and these laws are called social public order laws. The mentioned exceptions in the labor law challenge this. Because the majority of children and teenagers work either in family workshops or in small workshops with less than 10 people - which are often managed by members of the same family. And the existence of this exception deprives many working teenagers of the welfare benefits considered by the labor law. [30]
Employment of children is prohibited in Iran's labor law. According to Article 79 of the Labor Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the employment of children under the age of 15 is prohibited And from people more than 15 years old and less than 18 years old named as youth workers to recognize the work of these people in a relative way. As we can see, there is no gender difference in the definition of a child in the labor law, and all people under the age of 15 are considered children. As mentioned, it is forbidden to employ people under the age of 15, and a worker between the ages of 15 and 18 is called a juvenile worker. The labor law has tried to provide more support to the teenage worker and he must undergo medical tests by the social security organization at the beginning of employment . The medical tests of the young worker must be renewed at least once a year and the relevant documents must be kept in his employment file The doctor comments on the appropriateness of the type of work with the ability of the adolescent worker, and if he considers the relevant work unsuitable, the employer is obliged to change the worker's job within the limits of his capabilities (Articles 80 and 81 of the Labor Law). Of course, because the use of labor of people under the age of 18 is mostly related to small workshops that do not have the necessary possibility to comply with and implement the above article. And since they are less inspected, their adherence to this is not certain [17]
The daily working hours of teenage workers are half an hour less than the normal working hours of workers. The order of using this privilege will be determined by the agreement of the worker and the employer (Article 82 of the Labor Law). Also, it is forbidden for juvenile workers to perform any type of extra work and work at night, as well as hard, harmful and dangerous work and carry loads by hand, more than allowed and without using mechanical devices (Article 83 of the Labor Law). An issue that is emphasized in the regulations related to carrying loads by hand and without using mechanical devices for female and juvenile workers approved in 1370. In Article 1 of the regulation, the meaning of carrying cargo by hand without using mechanical devices in this regulation is as follows: lifting, put down Carrying and moving objects and loads from one point to another by one person and by hand without using any mechanical tools and devices. And the meaning of conventional load in this regulation is a load that according to its shape, size, dimensions, and temperature, a worker who has suitable physical conditions can carry it easily. In the following, the regulation stipulates the conditions and maximum effect of carrying loads by hand for individuals and different age conditions, which we will review. The maximum weight allowed for carrying conventional loads by hand without using mechanical tools for a female worker is about 20 kg. The maximum permissible weight for carrying conventional loads by hand without the use of mechanical tools for teenage female workers is about 10 kg. The maximum weight allowed to carry a conventional load by hand without using mechanical tools for a young male worker is about 20 kg. The employer is obliged to teach the workers how to properly lift, move and carry the load. Of course, the age of 15 for a young worker is not the same for all jobs. In jobs and work that are harmful to the health or morals of trainees and teenagers due to its nature or the conditions in which the work is done, the minimum working age will be 18 years. This is determined by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (Article 84 of the Labor Law), considering that the stages of human physical development are gradual and staggered. Therefore, difficult and dangerous work cannot be assigned to young workers before reaching the age of eighteen, which is the normal age for working. A worker who has reached the age of fifteen can be employed, but he cannot be assigned any work before the age of eighteen [31]
The labor law regarding the prohibition of the employment of children has not limited itself to the announcement of the ban and has set a penalty for it. According to Article 176 of the Labor Law, the violators of Article 79, in addition to the fact that, depending on the case, for each violation, Obliged to pay workers' wages or remedy the violation Or it will be both of them. In the deadline that will be determined by the court after obtaining the opinion of the representative of the Ministry of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare, each worker will be sentenced as follows:
1 - For up to 10 people, 200 to 500 times the minimum daily wage of a worker
2- For up to 100 people, compared to an excess of 10 people, 20 to 50 times the minimum daily wage of a worker
3- For more than 100 people compared to the excess of 100 people, 10 to 20 times the minimum daily wage of a worker.
In case of repeating the violation, the said violators will be sentenced to imprisonment from 91 days to 180 days.
On the other hand, the law of compliance with the instructions issued by the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education to prevent occupational diseases and ensure the health of workers and workers and the work environment for the protection of manpower and material resources of the country for all workshops. employers, Workers and trainees are considered mandatory (Article 85 of the Labor Law) In this regard, employers and officials of all units subject to the labor law are obliged, based on the approvals of the Supreme Technical Protection Council, to provide the necessary tools and facilities to ensure the safety and health of workers in the work environment and provide them with the methods of using said tools. teach them. and supervise the observance of safety and health regulations. The aforementioned people are also required to use and maintain personal protective and hygienic devices and implement the relevant instructions of the workshop (Article 91 of the Labor Law). In addition, all the units subject to the labor law, in which the employees are exposed to the occurrence of work-related diseases due to the type of work, must file medical records for all the mentioned persons, and at least once a year, they must be examined and tested by health centers. bring and keep the result in the relevant file (Article 92 of the Labor Law)
In order to prevent violations of technical protection rules, the General Inspection Department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has been formed with the following duties (Article 96 of the Labor Law)
- Supervise the implementation of the regulations of working conditions, especially the supportive regulations related to hard and harmful tasks, work duration, Wage, Workers' welfare, Employment of women and adolescent workers
- Monitoring the correct implementation of the Labor Code and by -laws and guidelines for technical protection
- Training on technical protection issues and workers' guidance Employers and all persons exposed to injuries and lesions caused by accidents
-Investigation of the problems arising from the implementation of technical protection regulations and preparing the necessary proposal to amend the guidelines for the said items. Suitable with technology developments and developments
- Investigating work -related accidents in workshops And the general and statistical analysis of such cases to prevent accidents.
Labor inspectors and labor health experts have the right to know the ingredients that workers are in contact with or are used in the work. As much as it is necessary for the test to take sample and submit to their direct boss (Article 99 of the Labor law) Whenever there is a possibility of an accident or a danger in the workshop during the inspection, the workplace is likely to occur in the workshop or risk expert. A job inspector or professional health expert is required to notify the employer or his or her directors in writing in writing. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Medical Education, as reported by labor inspectors and professional health experts The local prosecutor's office will immediately issue the order to close all or part of the workshop. The prosecutor immediately approves the verdict and the verdict shall be applicable after the notification (Article 105 of the Labor law)
In support of the working adolescents, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare is obliged to take action (Article 6 of the Pediatric and Adolescent Protection Act)
1- Effective monitoring of labor sites to prevent and counteract the abuse or economic exploitation of children or adolescents
2- Introducing children and adolescents for victims or at risk to the supportive and judicial institutions
3- Insurance coverage subject to Article 148 of the Labor law For adolescents working between fifteen and eighteen years
The Ministry of Health and Medical Education is also required to take the following actions:
1- Developing labor health and medical care guidelines to adapt the working conditions of adolescents with the required standards
2- Immediate admission and treatment of injured children and adolescents in all health centers Along with submitting reports of suspicious abuse to judicial and welfare authorities
3- Complete coverage of health insurance for all children and adolescents living in Iran
Standard work is a job that is safe and not threatened by workers' health. World organizations, including the World Health Organization and the International Labor Organization, emphasize the health of individuals. International documents, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant for Social and Cultural Economic Rights, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, are trying to emphasize the right to health on the one hand indicate the importance of health. And on the other hand, encourage the international community to adopt support for the health of individuals. Workers are among the segments of society that are constantly exposed to risks such as workplace pollutants, The risks of tools and industrial devices And any health threat from the work environment. The children and adolescents used are more at risk than adults. In the Labor Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran, it is forbidden to apply for people under 15 years of age. The use of adolescent workers is permitted under conditions. A worker whose age is between 15 and 18 years old, is called a teenage worker And at the beginning of the use, medical tests should be submitted by the Social Security Organization. Referring to any extra work and doing work at night and referring hard and hazardous tasks And hand caring is forbidden for adolescent workers without the use of mechanical equipment. In jobs and things that are harmful to the health or ethics of trainees and adolescents because of its nature or the conditions in which the work is done The minimum work age will be 18 years old. Recognize this with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
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