A Tribute to Late Professor Mahlagha Ghorbanli
Subject Areas : Phytochemistry
Abstract :
This edition of IJPPcelebrates ten years of steady publication of Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology. The story of IJPP is that of a journey that started from a local forum where the researchers and scholars mainly from the Islamic Azad University could share findings of their studies, gradually developing into an international peer-reviewed journal indexed by Islamic World Science Citation Center (https://isc.gov.ir/en) and SCImago Journal & Country Rank (www.scimagojr.com).We heartily appreciate numerous authors, both local and international, whose contributions have led us reach this far and look forward to more original research reports to move even further. This edition is dedicated to late Mahlagha Ghorbanli, the emerita full professor of plant physiology in Kharazmi University, the first institution for teacher education in Iran. With her broad range of expertise and comprehensive knowledge of various research avenues in the field of plant physiology combined with a warm, caring, and supportive personality, professor Ghorbanli was the first Editor-in-Chief of IJPP, a prominent figure who was able to lead the editorial board of IJPP through the challenges inherent in starting a scientific journal. We owe much of what we have achieved to her scholarship and visions. May her soul rest in peace! Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology Editorial Board