An Improvement on Collocation Algorithm to Solve Initial Value Problems
Subject Areas : International Journal of Industrial Mathematics
مهران نیکآریا
سعید سرآبادان
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Imam Hossein Comprehensive University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: High accuracy, IVP, CPU time, Bessel functions, Collocation Spectral algorithm,
Abstract :
In this paper an improved version of the collocation method is proposed to solve ordinary differential equations with initial conditions. Our proposed algorithm is described by applying it to some well-known IVPs. The results are compared with basic collocation algorithms to show the advantages, applicability and efficiency of the proposed method. Based on numerical results, the proposed algorithm has better accuracy and execution time.
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