• Maghfouri Moghadam.Iraj Paleontology and taphonomy of Kuphus polythalamius (Linnaeus 1767), Navab anticline, Central Iran [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2023]
  • Maghfouri Moghadam.Iraj Microbiostratigraphy of upper Cretaceous deposits (Bangestan Group) in the northwestern flank of Sepid Kuh anticline, W Iran [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2023]
  • Maghfouri Moghaddam.Iraj First report of the SardinellaSardinites (Heckel, 1850) in the Kond formation in the Saran area, Central Alborz in Iran [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 2023]
  • Masoumi.Hamidreza Geochemistry and potential of toxic elements in sediments originating from salt domes, north of Hormuz strait (Pol, Gachin, Angouran and Hormuz) [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]
  • Moinevaziri.Hossein Is skarnization the cause of mineralization? a case study, Sanandaj Sirjan zone, west Iran [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]