An Advanced Method to Voxelize a Tissue Using CT Scan Images and Medical Imaging
Seyed Alireza Mousavi Shirazi
Islamic AZAD University, South Tehran Branch
Keywords: CT, Liver, Medical Imaging, Tissue, Voxelization.,
Abstract :
This study focused on medical imaging for X-ray radiotherapy. To conduct the research, liver tissue was outlined using CT images of the abdominal area. The precise geometry of the segmented liver tissue was then simulated and created with specialized medical imaging software. Initially, the Hounsfield Unit for each tissue type in the body was determined, followed by defining the constituent materials, which were then input into MATLAB code. Next, the abdominal tissue was uniformly filled with the appropriate material based on its radiodensity. Subsequently, the liver tissue was outlined and segmented within the abdominal tissue, and the precise geometry of the segmented liver tissue was created as input data. This approach can be applied to any patient using their individual CT scan images.
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