Efficacy of Architectural Space Design for Healing and Humanization in Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
Subject Areas : ArchitectureMuyiwa L. Akinluyi 1 * , Joseph Fadamiro 2 , Hezekiah Ayoola 3 , Morakinyo Alade 4
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Architecture, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti (ABUAD), Nigeria.
2 - Ph.D., Department of Architecture, Federal University of Technology (FUTA) , Akure, Ondo- State, Nigeria.
3 - Ph.D., Department of Architecture, Federal University of Technology (FUTA) , Akure, Ondo- State, Nigeria.
4 - Directorate of Physical Planning and Development (DPPD) Living Faith Church Canaan land , otta, Nigeria
Keywords: Architectural Space, Hospital, Humanization, healing, Design Performance,
Abstract :
This study reviewed the effectiveness of architectural space design for healing and humanization in Lagos University Teaching Hospital, (LUTH), Nigeria. The study adopted a semi-structured interview and physical appraisal of the selected major departments within the study area. Also, a literature review of past studies on hospital buildings was done to buttress and advocate for the importance of architectural spaces design for healing and humanization of the users in the hospital environment. Factors of architectural space design in hospital buildings were identified and classified through the literature of past studies and a conceptual framework was developed through it. These factors were categorized under the following headings. This includes functional design factors (FDF), aesthesis design factors (ADF), environmental design factors (EDF), security & safety design factors (SSDF), and Physiological & Psychosocial design factors (PPDF). The study provides information on the importance of architectural space design on overall hospital performance. This study contributes to methods of evaluating architectural space design quality in hospital buildings in Nigeria and a similar context.
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