Prioritizing the Effective Capital Components in the Agricultural Sector by Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process
Subject Areas : Extension and Economic
Abdolhadi Farrokh tabar
Belgheys Bavarsad
Majid Ahmadabadi
Saber Zavardehi
1 - Department of Industrial Management ,Masjed-Soleiman Branch,Islamic Azad University ,Masjed-Soleiman,Iran
2 - Ahvaz. Shahid Chamran University. Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. Faculty of Management
3 - Assistant Professor,University of Qom,Qom,Iran
4 - Department of Industrial Management ,Masjed-Soleiman Branch,Islamic Azad University ,Masjed-Soleiman,Iran
Keywords: investment, FAHP, fuzzy approach,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to prioritize the effective components of capital in the agricultural sector with a fuzzy approach.Because Given the limited resources of capital, and especially for a developing country, the emphasis on investment and its allocation to key sectors is very important. Also, by paying more attention to the sectors with higher priority for investment, while benefiting from some savings, domestic needs can be met and the ground for presence and competition in global markets can be provided. The role of investment in the agricultural sector in creating job opportunities is undeniable, and growth of GDP and economic growth depends on investment. To achieve this goal this method has been used for the first time and is innovative in terms of theme and fuzzy conceptual model used and includes previous research and documentation, interviewing experts in agricultural sector and using MAXQDA 2018 software. And the reliability of the researcher-made questionnaire with Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.855 was obtained. The statistical population includes 62 people, who after studying and reviewing, identified four main criteria and eight sub-indicators. After performing Fuzzy Hierarchical Analysis (FAHP) using MATLAB software, finally, the prioritization of the eight identified sub-indices was obtained. According to the results, the highest weight belongs to the S criterion (technical reality) with a value of 0.554, and the lowest weight belongs to the W criterion (cultural and social) with a value of 0.031. DOR: 20.1001.1.22517588.2021.
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