Factors Affecting Stakeholders Non-Participation in Rangeland Management Projects
Subject Areas :
Management in Extension Systems
Solieman Rasouliazar
Anvar Kordi
Loghman Rashidpour
1 - Department of Agricultural Management, Mahabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran
2 - Department of Agricultural Management, Mahabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran
3 - Department of Agricultural Management, Mahabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran
Received: 2016-05-01
Accepted : 2016-08-30
Published : 2016-08-30
range management projects,
Piranshahr city,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was analyzing factors affecting non-participation of stakeholders in rangeland management projects. The research method was descriptive-correlative design in ranches of Piranshahr rangelands in western Azerbaijan province, Iran. All ranches that studied (Zioke Yurd, Ziuke Mirgah Chaku, Khargedashan Yurd and Gardeh Bon), are utilized in common use manner. Simple random sampling was used as sampling method. The sample size was determined by using Krejcie and Morgan table. The 157 stakeholders were determined. Questionnaire served as research tool and was completed through direct interviews with stakeholders. The findings showed significant correlation between age and non-participation of stakeholders. Also prioritization of non-participation of stakeholders in range management plans indicate that low literacy (education level) and lack of sufficient knowledge about the range management project, lack of programs and restoration of projects fitness to regional conditions and small area were the most important social, managerial, technical and economic factors affect the non-participation of stakeholders in the range management projects.
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