Apimix and Apipasta the New Trend in Bee Feeding and Creation of New Bee Colonies
Subject Areas : CamelR. Shumkova 1 * , R. Balkanska 2
1 - Research Center of Stockbreeding and Agriculture, Smolyan, Bulgaria
2 - Institute of Animal Science, Kostinbrod, Bulgaria
Keywords: Amino acids, Vitamins, Apimix, Apipasta, bee colonies, bee feeding,
Abstract :
The nutritional needs of worker bees are supplied by nectar carbohydrates, protein, and other nutrients in pollen. This paper aims to study the impact of Apimix and Apipasta feeding on the productive parameters of newly created bee colonies and to trace their health status concerning 6 viruses and the cause of nosematosis. Bee colonies of the local honeybee Apis mellifera settled in Langstroth hives system were used. The following groups were created: control group) feeding with sugar solution (sugar water 1:1) without additives; experimental group I) feeding with Apimix and experimental group II) feeding with Apipasta. It was found out that the stimulation feeding with liquid food Apimix significantly increases (p Nosema ceranae and Nosema Apis and 6 honey bee viruses were not detected in the bee colonies.
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