Comparison of Using Ionophore and Non-Ionophore Coccidiostats on Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Blood Biochemical Parameters and Gut Microbial Flora in Broiler Chickens
Subject Areas : CamelM. Ghasemi-Sadabadi 1 , ی. ابراهیم نژاد 2 * , A. Shaddel-Tili 3 , V. Bannapour-Ghaffari 4 , S. Saemi Peste-Bigelow 5
1 - Young Researchers and Elite Club, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
2 - گروه علوم دامی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد شبستر
3 - Department of Animal Science, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
4 - Department of Veterinary Medicine Pharmacology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
5 - Department of Animal Science, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
Keywords: performance, Broiler, ionophore coccidiostats, non-ionophore coccidiostats,
Abstract :
The effect of ionophore and non-ionophore coccidiostats on performance parameters, carcass characteristics, serum biochemical parameters and gut microbial floras in broilers was investigated. A total of 300 one-day-old broilers were randomly allocated into five treatments including: (1) basal diet (control group); (2) basal diet with 60 ppm salinomycin; (3) basal diet with 3.75 ppm maduramicin; (4) basal diet with 1 ppm Diclazuril; and (5) basal diet with 125 ppm amprolium. Supplementing the diet with diclazuril improved weight gain compared to all diets containing ionophore coccidiostats (p < 0.05). Additionally, feed intake significantly increased with broilers fed on diclazuril containing feed compared with broilers fed on maduramicin at 1 to 42 days. For female chicks, the highest carcass yield value was recorded in the control group, followed by the salinomycin, and maduramicin treatments respectively; however, thigh yield was higher in the diclazuril treatment group (p < 0.05). Highest carcass and breast yields for male broilers were obtained in the diclazuril treatment group (p < 0.05). Lactobacilli and Coliform bacterial populations were significantly higher in the diclazuril and control groups when compared to the salinomycin group at 28 and 42 days (p < 0.05). Blood glucose and total protein were significantly increased by feeding diclazuril diets in both male and female broilers (p < 0.05). Blood sodium and potassium concentrations were affected by treatment in male chickens (p < 0.05). The use of diets containing non-ionophore coccidiostats, particularly diclazuril, had beneficial effects on the overall growth performance of broiler chickens.
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