Productive and Reproductive Potentialities of Different Genetic Groups of Crossbred Cows Reared under Different Farming Conditions
Subject Areas : Camelجی. میاه 1 * , م.اس.اچ. سهل 2 , م.آی. حسین 3 , م. شهجلال 4 , م.اس. حسین 5 , م.آ. حسین 6 , ک.ن. اسلام 7
1 - Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University, Chittagong, Bangladesh
2 - Department of Anatomy and Histology, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University, Chittagong, Bangladesh
3 - Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University, Chittagong, Bangladesh
4 - Department of Microbiology and Veterinary Public Health, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University, Chittagong, Bangladesh
5 - Department of Medicine and Surgery, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University, Chittagong, Bangladesh
6 - Department of Dairy and Poultry Science, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University, Chittagong, Bangladesh
7 - Department of Anatomy and Histology, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Keywords: crossbred, genetic groups, productive and reproductive performance,
Abstract :
A cross-sectional comparative study was carried out to investigate the productive and reproductive performances of different genetic groups of crossbred cows at three different farming conditions in Bangladesh. Crossbred cows (n=90) those already completed third lactations, were selected randomly from three different dairy farms (e.g. Jarip, Mullah and Nahar) located in Chittagong, Bangladesh. The numbers of animals of each of the genetic groups were 30 for 50% Holstein Friesian (HF) × 50% Sahiwal (SL) cross, 30 for 62.5% HF × 37.5% SL cross and 30 for 75% HF × 25% SL cross. Different productive and reproductive traits of crossbred cows such as age at first heat, calving interval, gestation length, service per conception, days open, lactation length and milk yield, etc., were measured in this study. Results demonstrated that gestation length of 50% HF × 50% SL, lactation length of 62.5% HF × 37.5% SL, gestation and lactation length of 75% HF × 25% SL crossbred cows between the farms were significantly influenced (P<0.05). Other parameters of crossbred cows such as age at first heat, age at first calving, service per conception, average daily milk yield, days open and calving interval of different genotypes were not influenced (P>0.05) by different farms. The highest (282.00±0.00 days) and lowest (276.43±0.92 days) gestation length were found in crossbred cows of the Jarip and Nahar dairy farm, respectively. The highest (297.50±3.50 days) and lowest (282.00±0.00 days) gestation length were found in crossbred cows of Mullah and the Jarip dairy farm, respectively. The overall productive and reproductive performance of different crossbred cows of the Nahar and Mulla dairy farm were superior to that of the Jarip dairy farm.
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