A Review on Recent Findings on Amino Acids Requirements in Poult-Studies
Subject Areas : CamelY. Dersjant-Li 1 * , M. Peisker 2
1 - ADM Specialty Ingredients (Europe) B.V., Koog aan De Zaan, The Netherlands
2 - ADM Specialty Ingredients (Europe) B.V., Koog aan De Zaan, The Netherlands
Keywords: Amino acids, protein deposition, improving immune, gut functions,
Abstract :
Amino acids (AA) are important in poultry nutrition not only for protein deposition, but also for other metabolic functions; such as improving immune and gut functions. Although, some table values are available on amino acids requirement, AA requirements may vary due to changes in dietary composition and breeding selection. Thus amino acids requirements have remained an ongoing research topic. Formulating diets with optimal amino acids will not only reduce the feed costs and improve the production's efficiency, but also have environmental benefits. Recent studies reported the requirements of some essential amino acids and their optimal ratios. This paper is aimed at reviewing the studies presented at XIIIth European Poultry Conference which provided the most recent information on amino acids requirement in poultry. These studies showed that the commonly used table values might underestimate amino acids requirements in poultry
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