On a Generalized Subclass of p-Valent Meromorphic Functions by Defined q-Derivative Operator
Subject Areas : Financial MathematicsMohammad Hassan Golmohammadi 1 * , Shahram Najafzadeh 2 , Mohammad Reza Forutan 3
1 - Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor University, P. O. Bax: 19395 - 3697, Tehran,
2 - Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor University, P. O. Box: 19395 - 3697, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor University, P. O. Box: 19395 - 3697, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: ε-neighborhood, q-calculus, Meromorphic functions, Financial problems, q-derivative,
Abstract :
Financial Mathematics is the application of mathematical methods to financial problems. It is shown that p-valent functions play important roles in Financial Mathematics. In this paper, we define a new subclass of meromorphically p-valent functions by using q-derivative operator and fractional q-calculus operator. We obtain some geometric properties of coefficient estimates, extreme points, convex linear combination, radii of starlikeness and convexity. Finally, ε-neighborhood property will be investigated.Financial Mathematics is the application of mathematical methods to financial problems. It is shown that p-valent functions play important roles in Financial Mathematics. In this paper, we define a new subclass of meromorphically p-valent functions by using q-derivative operator and fractional q-calculus operator. We obtain some geometric properties of coefficient estimates, extreme points, convex linear combination, radii of starlikeness and convexity. Finally, ε-neighborhood property will be investigated.
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