• Yadollahi.Mehdi HGELS: A New Hybrid Algorithm Based on Gravitational Force for Solving Multiple Traveling Salesman Problems [ Vol.7, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2016]
  • Yaghoobi Notash.Anaram A Parallel Implementation of Modified Fuzzy Logic for Breast Cancer Detection [ Vol.7, Issue 2 - Spring Year 2016]
  • Yaghoubi.Elham Five-Port Optical Router Design Based on Mach–Zehnder Switches for Photonic Networks-on-Chip [ Vol.7, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2016]
  • YousefiKhoshbakht.Majid An Effective Ant Colony Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem [ Vol.7, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2016]