A novel sleep/wakeup power management in wireless sensor network: A Fuzzy TOPSIS approach
Subject Areas : A.1. GeneralMirsaeid Hosseini 1 * , Sepideh Ehsani 2
1 - Department of Computer Engineering, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
2 - Department of Computer Engineering, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
Keywords: Fuzzy Topsis, wireless sensor network, dynamic sleep/wake up algorithm,
Abstract :
The wireless sensor network (WSN) is typically comprised many tiny nodes equipped with processors, sender/receiver antenna and limited battery in which it is impossible or not economic to recharge. Meanwhile, network lifespan is one of the most critical issues because of limited and not renewal used battery in WSN. Several mechanisms have been proposed to prolong network lifespan such as LEACH, HEED and CHEF, but in all of them nodes consume energy continuously. One of the promising technique is to apply dynamic sleep/wake up scheduling. In this paper, a novel sleep/wake up scheduling algorithm is proposed so-called FT-ECCKN . Each node executes sleep/wake up scheduling right after sending/receiving data where a node changes its status to sleep mode if it has at least k neighbors awake in its radius neighborhood with more residual energy in comparison with the node executing scheduler. Whenever the number of nodes is more than 2k, fuzzy TOPSIS method is used to rank nodes based on residual energy and coverage distance to select k out of number of nodes in ranking list. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, 25 scenarios are conducted in the experimental field 800X600 m^2 between 100 through 500 nodes increasing with 100 numbers and k belongs to {1,2,…5}. Totally, our proposed algorithm outperforms 23.27 percent in term of network life time in comparison with EC-CKN method for overall scenarios. Remarkable results show that the proposed algorithm is beneficial for large scale fields with dense nodes along with smallest k.