
  • احسانی.امیرحسین Presentation and Analysis of Methods for Increasing Glue Joint Strength in the Same Length Joint [ دوره6, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2013]
  • اسعدی کردشولی.قاسم Solution of Nonlinear Hardening and Softening type Oscillators by Adomian’s Decomposition Method [ دوره6, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2013]


  • براتی.احسان Study of Variation of the J-integral and the Fracture Toughness in Blunt V-notches under Mode I Loading [ دوره6, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2013]
  • براتی.احسان The Effect of Inclined U-Notch Geometry on Mode Ratio (KII/KI) under Mixed Mode (I + II) Loading [ دوره6, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2013]


  • شجاعیان.شاهرخ Presenting a New Algorithm for Determining Optimal Replaceable Capacity of Conventional Power Plants by Renewable Power Plants Based on Monte Carlo Method [ دوره6, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2014]


  • صادقیان.مصطفی Nonlocal Mechanical Buckling Analysis of Nano Single Layer Sheets Using Differential Quadrature method [ دوره6, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2013]


  • طغرایی.داود Investigation of Dynamical Behavior (Transverse Vibration) and Instability Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes Conveying Nanofluid [ دوره6, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2014]


  • عباسی.محمد Study of the size-dependant vibration behavior of an AFM microcantilever with a sidewall probe [ دوره6, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2013]
  • علی آبادی.محمد Enhancement Performance New Generation of CPU Cooling System Using Water-AL2O3 Nanofluid [ دوره6, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2013]


  • فراهانی.حسین Vibration Analysis of Thick Functionally Graded Beam under Axial Load Based on Two-Dimensional Elasticity Theory and Generalized Differential Quadrature [ دوره6, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2013]


  • قاسمی.اعظم Bending analysis of composite sandwich plates using generalized differential quadrature method based on FSDT [ دوره6, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2013]


  • کرمی محمدی.اردشیر Study of the size-dependant vibration behavior of an AFM microcantilever with a sidewall probe [ دوره6, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2013]
  • کریمیان.مجید Check Tic-coated Tungsten Carbide Tool Wear in Machining Steel [ دوره6, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2013]
  • کنی.عبدالمجید Resolution composite shell with a layer of piezoelectric vibration analysis [ دوره6, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2014]
  • کنی.عبدالمجید Severe Impact on the Behavior of Energy Absorbing Cylindrical Base in Frontal Impact [ دوره6, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2014]


  • لطفی.مهری Presenting a New Algorithm for Determining Optimal Replaceable Capacity of Conventional Power Plants by Renewable Power Plants Based on Monte Carlo Method [ دوره6, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2014]
  • لنجان نژادیان.شهرام Optimizing the actuation of musculoskeletal model by genetic algorithm to simulate the vertical jump [ دوره6, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2013]



  • ناظری.حکیمه السادات Introduse and Need Assessment of Regional Aircrafts by Software and Modeling [ دوره6, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2013]
  • نجاتی.محمد Vibration Analysis of Thick Functionally Graded Beam under Axial Load Based on Two-Dimensional Elasticity Theory and Generalized Differential Quadrature [ دوره6, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2013]
  • نجفی‌زاده.محمد مهدی Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Critical Buckling Load of Cracked Sheets [ دوره6, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2014]
  • نحوی.حسن Investigation of Dynamical Behavior (Transverse Vibration) and Instability Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes Conveying Nanofluid [ دوره6, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2014]


  • وحیدی.علیرضا Solution of Nonlinear Hardening and Softening type Oscillators by Adomian’s Decomposition Method [ دوره6, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2013]


  • هدایتی.محمد Bending analysis of composite sandwich plates using generalized differential quadrature method based on FSDT [ دوره6, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2013]


  • یزدانی.مصطفی Bending analysis of composite sandwich plates using generalized differential quadrature method based on FSDT [ دوره6, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2013]