
  • بهنامیان.جواد Location-Allocation and Scheduling of Inbound and Outbound Trucks in Multiple Cross-Dockings Considering Breakdown Trucks [ دوره11, شماره 1 - بهار سال 2018]



  • توکلی مقدم.رضا A Stochastic Optimization Approach to a Location-Allocation Problem of Organ Transplant Centers [ دوره11, شماره 1 - بهار سال 2018]


  • جولای.فریبرز Location-Allocation and Scheduling of Inbound and Outbound Trucks in Multiple Cross-Dockings Considering Breakdown Trucks [ دوره11, شماره 1 - بهار سال 2018]


  • خاکزار بفروئی.مرتضی A Bi-Objective Airport Gate Scheduling with Controllable Processing Times Using Harmony Search and NSGA-II Algorithms [ دوره11, شماره 1 - بهار سال 2018]


  • راستی برزکی.مرتضی Two-echelon Supply Chain Considering Multiple Retailers with Price and Promotional Effort Sensitive Non-linear Demand [ دوره11, شماره 2 - پاییز سال 2018]


  • زروک.یاسر An Efficient Bi-objective Genetic Algorithm for the Single Batch-Processing Machine Scheduling Problem with Sequence Dependent Family Setup Time and Non-identical Job Sizes [ دوره11, شماره 2 - پاییز سال 2018]


  • سید حسینی.سید محمد Centralized Supply Chain Network Ddesign: Monopoly, Duopoly, and Ooligopoly Competitions under Uncertainty [ دوره11, شماره 2 - پاییز سال 2018]


  • شفیعا.محمدعلی A Novel Model for the Analysis of Interactions Between Governments and Agricultures in a Study of Social Beneficial Externalities Based on the Stackelberg Game: A Case Study on Cotton Production [ دوره11, شماره 2 - پاییز سال 2018]


  • عبداللهی.احمد Studying and Identifying the Effective Factors on Tax Evasion by Fuzzy DEMATEL-Method [ دوره11, شماره 2 - پاییز سال 2018]


  • قدوسی.محمد The Optimal Number of Hospital Beds Under Uncertainty: A Costs Management Approach [ دوره11, شماره 2 - پاییز سال 2018]


  • ماکوئی.احمد Centralized Supply Chain Network Ddesign: Monopoly, Duopoly, and Ooligopoly Competitions under Uncertainty [ دوره11, شماره 2 - پاییز سال 2018]


  • نجفی.امیرعباس Modeling and Solution Procedure for a Preemptive Multi-Objective Multi-Mode Project Scheduling Model in Resource Investment Problems [ دوره11, شماره 1 - بهار سال 2018]


  • یوسفی نژاد عطاری.مهدی Hybrid Techniques of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making for Location of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs): Shahr Bank Branches in Tehran, 1st District Municipality [ دوره11, شماره 2 - پاییز سال 2018]