
  • اصیلیان.اشرف Designing and Validating the Model of Extracurricular Curriculum for Compatible with student brain Low attention / Hyperactive primary school [ دوره3, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 1401]
  • السان.بابک Socioeconomic Status or Attending Private English Courses: Which One Is a Better Indicator of High School Students' EFL Motivation? [ دوره3, شماره 2 - بهار سال 1401]
  • ایمانی.محسن Comparing Shahid Motahari and John Locke's Philosophical Foundations of Citizenship Education and Providing Solutions for Iran's Education [ دوره3, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 1401]


  • تیزقلم زنوزی.سعید The Role of Affection and Intimacy in the Quantitative and Qualitative Development of Teacher-Student Transferring values and Attitudes during the Design Education Process [ دوره3, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 1401]


  • حسین مومنی مهمونی.حسین Designing and Validating the Model of Extracurricular Curriculum for Compatible with student brain Low attention / Hyperactive primary school [ دوره3, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 1401]


  • خورشیدی.عباس Provide a knowledge management model for primary school principals (Case study of Tehran) [ دوره3, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 1401]


  • دوایی.مهدی Identifying Executive Challenges of Life Skills Education in Secondary School (A Phenomenological Study) [ دوره3, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 1401]


  • ذبیحی.رزیتا Describing the Elements of Preschool Curriculum with a Problem-Solving Approach from the Perspective of Curriculum Planning Specialists and Educational Psychologists [ دوره3, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 1400]


  • روحی.افسر Socioeconomic Status or Attending Private English Courses: Which One Is a Better Indicator of High School Students' EFL Motivation? [ دوره3, شماره 2 - بهار سال 1401]


  • سعیدیان.نرگس Pattern of Managing the Challenges of Thesis Writing in the Educational-Research Field [ دوره3, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 1400]
  • سیدی.محبوبه Challenges of higher education in curriculum content based on educational justice [ دوره3, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 1401]


  • شریفی.اصغر Investigating the Underlying Components in the Supervisory Role of Educational Managers and Determining its Dimensions and Indicators) Case Study: Primary Schools in Tehran) [ دوره3, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 1401]


  • صادقی.علیرضا Describing the Elements of Preschool Curriculum with a Problem-Solving Approach from the Perspective of Curriculum Planning Specialists and Educational Psychologists [ دوره3, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 1400]


  • عباس زاده.زهرا Identifying and Ranking the Criteria for Evaluating the Performance of Azad University Faculty Members by the Analysis Network Process Method [ دوره3, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 1400]
  • عباسیان.حسین Evaluation of the effectiveness of virtual mathematics teaching based on manipulative mathematical learning in 6th-grade elementary male students in 5th districts of Tehran in Covid-19 pandemic [ دوره3, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 1401]
  • عجم.علی اکبر Designing and Validating the Model of Extracurricular Curriculum for Compatible with student brain Low attention / Hyperactive primary school [ دوره3, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 1401]
  • عراقیه.علیرضا Parental Involvement in Schools and Processes of Pedagogical Change [ دوره3, شماره 2 - بهار سال 1401]
  • عصاره.علیرضا Identifying Executive Challenges of Life Skills Education in Secondary School (A Phenomenological Study) [ دوره3, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 1401]


  • فدوی.محبوبه سادات Pattern of Managing the Challenges of Thesis Writing in the Educational-Research Field [ دوره3, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 1400]
  • فقیه ارام.بتول Describing the Elements of Preschool Curriculum with a Problem-Solving Approach from the Perspective of Curriculum Planning Specialists and Educational Psychologists [ دوره3, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 1400]


  • قنبری.نسرین Designing, Implementing and Evaluating a Learning Situation to Achieve the Goals of Economic Education Field in the Third Grade of Elementary School [ دوره3, شماره 2 - بهار سال 1401]


  • کردستانی.فرشته Use of Fuzzy Delphi Method to Design a Local Model of Entrepreneurship Education [ دوره3, شماره 2 - بهار سال 1401]
  • کشاورزی.مهدی Challenges of higher education in curriculum content based on educational justice [ دوره3, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 1401]
  • کیارسی.سمیه Effect of Advertising Literacy Education on Children's Critical Thinking in Facing Commercial Messages [ دوره3, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 1400]


  • مصلح.مریم Identifying and Ranking the Criteria for Evaluating the Performance of Azad University Faculty Members by the Analysis Network Process Method [ دوره3, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 1400]
  • میرزاخانی.معصومه Identifying and Ranking the Criteria for Evaluating the Performance of Azad University Faculty Members by the Analysis Network Process Method [ دوره3, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 1400]


  • واصفیان.فرزانه Challenges of higher education in curriculum content based on educational justice [ دوره3, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 1401]