
  • ابراهیمی.سید بابک Analyzing the performance of DEA models for bankruptcy prediction in the energy sector: with emphasis on Dynamic DEA approach [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • احتشام راثی.رضا Evaluation the profitability of dynamic investment projects by using ordered fuzzy numbers [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • اژدر.محسن Impact of Internal Control Weaknesses on Financial Reporting Risk [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • اژدر.محسن Impact of Internal Control Weaknesses on Financial Reporting Risk [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • اسلانی.محمد Evaluating the Performance and Ability Explain of Market Index Returns by Selected Stock Portfolios Based on Throughput Accounting Criteria in Comparison with the New Network Matrix Model [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • اعزازی.محمد اسماعیل Approach of Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transforms to Stock Return in the Iran Capital Market [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • افروزیان اذر.علی Optimal Banking Performance Model based on ERM [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • افضلیان بروجنی.سیده الناز Evaluation of the Performance of a Dynamic Trading Strategy by Combining the Flag Pattern Detection Technique and an Exponential Moving Average with Cumulative Particle Motion Optimization [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • امیرتیموری.علیرضا Performance Analysis and Sustainability Assessment of International Markets: Iran versus some other countries [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • امیرتیموری.علیرضا Efficiency Analysis of Banking Sector in Presence of Undesirable Factors Using Data Envelopment Analysis [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]


  • آشتاب.علی Explaining stock anomalies using multifactorial asset pricing models [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]


  • باغفلکی.افشین A mathematical model to predict corporate bankruptcy using financial, managerial and economic variables And compare it with other models [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • بحری ثالث.جمال Study of ranking factors affecting the implementation of timely management of goods and equipment and its evaluation criteria in the power distribution company of the whole country using fuzzy AHP and fuzzy DEMATEL [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • بداغی.حمید A Feasibility Study of Dissecting Stock Price Momentum Using Financial Statement Analysis [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • بدیعی.حسین Modeling Energy and Steel Price Volatility and Experimental Test of Inter-Market Volatility Spillover: A Multivariate Study Using VECM and Familty GARCH Models [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • بشیری منش.نازنین The role of effective variables on the relationship between tax avoidance and investment efficiency [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • بهزادی.محمد حسن A New Method for Allocating Fixed Costs with Undesirable Data: Data Envelopment Analysis Approach [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]


  • پناهیان.حسین Making Decision on Selection of Optimal Stock Portfolio Employing Meta Heuristic Algorithms for Multi-Objective Functions Subject to Real-Life Constraints [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • پناهیان.حسین Investigating the Market Efficiency in Tehran Stock Exchange through Artificial Intelligence [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • پناهیان.حسین A Mathematical Model for Measuring Corporate Governance using Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)Technique [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • پوراشرف.یاسان‌اله Presenting financial and non-financial indices model affecting the credit risk on the Maskan Bank. [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • پورعسکری جورشری.فاطمه Providing an Optimal Robust Portfolio Model with Mean- CVaR Approach [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]


  • ترحمی.فرهاد Investigating the effect of risk on the return of the insurance industry in the Iranian economy using generalized conditional autoregression models, ARIMA-GARCH / TARCH and beta coefficient [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • توحیدی.قاسم Improved NARX-ANFIS Network structure with Genetic Algorithm to optimizing Cash Flow of ATM Model [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]


  • جبارزاده کنگرلویی.سعید Study of ranking factors affecting the implementation of timely management of goods and equipment and its evaluation criteria in the power distribution company of the whole country using fuzzy AHP and fuzzy DEMATEL [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • جبارزاده کنگرلویی.سعید Explaining stock anomalies using multifactorial asset pricing models [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • جعفری چاشمی.جمال Decline of Auditor's Financial Bias in Decision making by Professionalism in Auditing: Rough Set Analysis [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • جعفری.سیده محبوبه A integrated hybrid fuzzy multiple-criteria decision-making model for non-performing Loans collections in the banking system (Case study: Shahr Bank) [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • جمشیدپور.روح الله Providing a model of earning transparency with emphasis on the criteria of the govermance system and performance: an artificial intelligence approach [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • جمشیدی نوید.بابک A mathematical model to predict corporate bankruptcy using financial, managerial and economic variables And compare it with other models [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • جمشیدی نوید.بابک Providing a model of earning transparency with emphasis on the criteria of the govermance system and performance: an artificial intelligence approach [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • جنانی.محمد حسن Evaluating the Performance and Ability Explain of Market Index Returns by Selected Stock Portfolios Based on Throughput Accounting Criteria in Comparison with the New Network Matrix Model [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • جنانی.محمد حسن Designing the Optimal Model of Banking Assets and Liabilities Management based on System Dynamics Approach [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • جوزبرکند.محمد Investigating the Market Efficiency in Tehran Stock Exchange through Artificial Intelligence [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • جهانشاد.آزیتا Identify and Rank the Factors Affecting Accounting and Auditing Ethics based on Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • جهانگیرنیا.حسین Meta-analysis of auditor characteristics and profit quality (Considering auditor characteristics indicators) [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • جهانگیرنیا.حسین Identifying and Prioritizing Investment Risks in Sports Projects [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]


  • حاجی.غلامعلی Investigating the Effect of FinTech Implementation Components in the Banking Industry of Iran [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • حاجیها.زهره Optimal Banking Performance Model based on ERM [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • حاجیها.زهره Modelling Optimal Predicting Future Cash Flows Using New Data Mining Methods (A Combination of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms) [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • حافظی.فردین Providing a model of earning transparency with emphasis on the criteria of the govermance system and performance: an artificial intelligence approach [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • حجازی.رضوان A Feasibility Study of Dissecting Stock Price Momentum Using Financial Statement Analysis [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • حسنوند.داریوش Investigating the effect of risk on the return of the insurance industry in the Iranian economy using generalized conditional autoregression models, ARIMA-GARCH / TARCH and beta coefficient [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • حسنی.ماریه Investors' Behavioral Biases in Tehran Stock Exchange by emphasizing the Role of Significant Weaknesses in Internal Control [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • حیدر پور.فرزانه Identify and Rank the Factors Affecting Accounting and Auditing Ethics based on Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]


  • خدادادی.محسن Providing an Optimal Robust Portfolio Model with Mean- CVaR Approach [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • خدامرادی.محمد A Hybrid Entropy-TOPSIS Method to Investigate the Effect of Auditing Team Norms and Peer Personality Components on the Objectivity of Financial Auditors [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • خرسند زاک.محمد Investigating the Effect of Developing Financial Institutions on Economic Growth with Panel Vector Autoregressive Approach and Markov Switching Approach in MENA Member Countries [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • خسروی پور.نگار Using A Multivariate Statistical Method of Factor Analysis and Grounded Theory to Review the Theory of Agency in Developing Countries (A Case Study of Iran) [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • خسروی پور.نگار Investigating the Relationship between Political Uncertainty and Market Irregularities: With Emphasis on the Risky Information Environment [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • خلیل مقدم.شادی Multiple portfolio optimization in Tehran Stock Exchange [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • خلیلی عراقی.مریم Identify and Rank the Effective Factors of Financial Risks and Efficiency in Insurance Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange using the Delphi Method [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • خلیلی.کرم Presenting financial and non-financial indices model affecting the credit risk on the Maskan Bank. [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • خوزین.علی A Model of Investor Sentiment Based on Grounded Theory Approach [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]


  • داداشی.ایمان Investigating the Asymmetric Models of Cash Holding Adjustment Speed: Dummy Variable, Quadratic and Threshold Regression Models [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • داراب پور.کیومرث Designing a Model of Financial Flexibility Functions for Industrial Infrastructure Development of Abadan Oil Refining Company [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • دانش.الهام Daily net cash flow analysis and forecasting : Transition from Microscopic to Macroscopic Stochastic Equations [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • داودی.اکرم A Model of Investor Sentiment Based on Grounded Theory Approach [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • داودی.سید محمد رضا Selecting The Optimal Multi-Period Stock Portfolio with Different Time Horizons in the Credibility Theory Framework [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • داودی.سید محمد رضا Evaluation of the Performance of a Dynamic Trading Strategy by Combining the Flag Pattern Detection Technique and an Exponential Moving Average with Cumulative Particle Motion Optimization [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • دهدار.فرهاد Sustainable Reporting Function and Green Accounting Strategic Consequences (Cross-matrix analysis) [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • دهدار.فرهاد CEO Overconfidence and Over investment: Role of Exchange Rate [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]


  • رستگار سرخه.محمد علی Multiple portfolio optimization in Tehran Stock Exchange [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • رضایی.نادر Modelling Optimal Predicting Future Cash Flows Using New Data Mining Methods (A Combination of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms) [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • رضایی.نادر Optimal Banking Performance Model based on ERM [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • رضویان.شبنم Improved NARX-ANFIS Network structure with Genetic Algorithm to optimizing Cash Flow of ATM Model [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • رکابدار.قاسم Partial Least Squares Analysis to Measure the Impact of Pygmalion Financial Components [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • روشن.سید علی قلی Approach of Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transforms to Stock Return in the Iran Capital Market [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]


  • زراعت کیش.یعقوب Application of Panel Regression Model in Examining the Effect of Monetary Policy on Bank Profitability [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • زرین.جعفر A mathematical model to predict corporate bankruptcy using financial, managerial and economic variables And compare it with other models [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • زنجیردار.مجید Investigating the Effect of FinTech Implementation Components in the Banking Industry of Iran [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]


  • ساعدی.رحمان A Mathematical Model for Measuring Corporate Governance using Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)Technique [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • سپهری.علی Making Decision on Selection of Optimal Stock Portfolio Employing Meta Heuristic Algorithms for Multi-Objective Functions Subject to Real-Life Constraints [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • ستایش.محمدرضا Evaluating the Performance and Ability Explain of Market Index Returns by Selected Stock Portfolios Based on Throughput Accounting Criteria in Comparison with the New Network Matrix Model [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • سعیدی کیا.عابدین Investigating the effect of risk on the return of the insurance industry in the Iranian economy using generalized conditional autoregression models, ARIMA-GARCH / TARCH and beta coefficient [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • سعیدی.علی Daily net cash flow analysis and forecasting : Transition from Microscopic to Macroscopic Stochastic Equations [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • سوری.علی Provide an improved factor pricing model using neural networks and the gray wolf optimization algorithm [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • سید نژاد فهیم.سید رضا Providing an Optimal Robust Portfolio Model with Mean- CVaR Approach [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]


  • شادنوش.نصرت اله Improved NARX-ANFIS Network structure with Genetic Algorithm to optimizing Cash Flow of ATM Model [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • شاهرودی.کامبیز Performance Analysis and Sustainability Assessment of International Markets: Iran versus some other countries [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • شاهوردیانی.شادی Designing and Evaluating Trading Strategies Based on Algorithmic Trading in Iran's Capital Market [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • شفیعی کاخکی.مریم Investigating the Asymmetric Models of Cash Holding Adjustment Speed: Dummy Variable, Quadratic and Threshold Regression Models [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • شفیعی.حسین Investigating the effect of managers' emotional and spiritual intelligence on the concurrence of stock prices and stock returns [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • شهیکی تاش.محمد نبی Approach of Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transforms to Stock Return in the Iran Capital Market [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]


  • صادقی شریف.سید جلال Provide an improved factor pricing model using neural networks and the gray wolf optimization algorithm [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • صالحی.اله کرم Presenting a model of tax non-compliance in Iran based on the network analysis Process (ANP) [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • صالحی.اله کرم Designing a Model of Financial Flexibility Functions for Industrial Infrastructure Development of Abadan Oil Refining Company [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • صفا.مژگان Identifying and Prioritizing Investment Risks in Sports Projects [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • صفا.مژگان Meta-analysis of auditor characteristics and profit quality (Considering auditor characteristics indicators) [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • صفری گرایلی.مهدی A Mathematical Model for Measuring Corporate Governance using Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)Technique [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • صمدی.رقیه Approach of Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transforms to Stock Return in the Iran Capital Market [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • صوفی.منصور Efficiency Analysis of Banking Sector in Presence of Undesirable Factors Using Data Envelopment Analysis [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]


  • طالبی.بهمن Modelling Optimal Predicting Future Cash Flows Using New Data Mining Methods (A Combination of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms) [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]


  • عارف منش.زهره The role of effective variables on the relationship between tax avoidance and investment efficiency [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • عباسی.ابراهیم Predicting the Top and Bottom Prices of Bitcoin Using Ensemble Machine Learning [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • عبدالباقی عطاآبادی.عبدالمجید Multi-objective possibility model for selecting the optimal stock portfolio [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • عبدلی.محمدرضا Decline of Auditor's Financial Bias in Decision making by Professionalism in Auditing: Rough Set Analysis [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • عبدلی.محمدرضا CEO Overconfidence and Over investment: Role of Exchange Rate [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • عبدی.رسول Modelling Optimal Predicting Future Cash Flows Using New Data Mining Methods (A Combination of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms) [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • عرب زاده.میثم A Mathematical Model for Measuring Corporate Governance using Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)Technique [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • علی احمدی.سعید Impact of Internal Control Weaknesses on Financial Reporting Risk [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • علی بیکی.اسمعیل Sustainable Reporting Function and Green Accounting Strategic Consequences (Cross-matrix analysis) [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]


  • غفاری آشتیانی.پیمان Investigating the Effect of FinTech Implementation Components in the Banking Industry of Iran [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • غلامی جمکرانی.رضا Sociological Analysis of Accounting Measurement Theories [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • غلامی.امیر Daily net cash flow analysis and forecasting : Transition from Microscopic to Macroscopic Stochastic Equations [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • غلامی.محمد Investigating the Effect of FinTech Implementation Components in the Banking Industry of Iran [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]


  • فتحی واجارگاه.کیانوش Optimization of estimates and comparison of their efficiency under stochastic methods and its application in financial models [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • فدائی.مهدی Selecting The Optimal Multi-Period Stock Portfolio with Different Time Horizons in the Credibility Theory Framework [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • فروغی.داریوش Developing the Stock Pricing Model based on Bounded Rationality Theory [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • فضلی.مهدی A review of meta-heuristic methods for solving location allocation financial problems [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • فلاح.میرفیض Providing an intelligent credit risk management system of the bank based on the macroeconomic indicators in the country's stock exchange banks [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • فلاح.میرفیض The Empirical Test of the relationship between information asymmetry, Overvalued Equities and Stock Price Crash Risk [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • فلاح.میرفیض Evaluation the profitability of dynamic investment projects by using ordered fuzzy numbers [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]


  • قبادی.صغری Presenting and explaining the model of the role of behavioral characteristics and financial literacy of real investors on their financial management components in the Iranian capital market [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • قنبری.مهرداد Providing a model of earning transparency with emphasis on the criteria of the govermance system and performance: an artificial intelligence approach [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • قنبری.مهرداد A mathematical model to predict corporate bankruptcy using financial, managerial and economic variables And compare it with other models [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • قیصری.روح اله Presenting and explaining the model of the role of behavioral characteristics and financial literacy of real investors on their financial management components in the Iranian capital market [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]


  • کردلویی.حمید رضا Designing and Evaluating Trading Strategies Based on Algorithmic Trading in Iran's Capital Market [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • کرمی وردی.فاطمه Sustainable Reporting Function and Green Accounting Strategic Consequences (Cross-matrix analysis) [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • کریمی.فرزاد Developing the Stock Pricing Model based on Bounded Rationality Theory [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • کوشا.عماد Predicting the Top and Bottom Prices of Bitcoin Using Ensemble Machine Learning [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]


  • گرکز.منصور Investors' Behavioral Biases in Tehran Stock Exchange by emphasizing the Role of Significant Weaknesses in Internal Control [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • گودرزوند چگینی.مهرداد Performance Analysis and Sustainability Assessment of International Markets: Iran versus some other countries [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]


  • محبی.محمد Application of Panel Regression Model in Examining the Effect of Monetary Policy on Bank Profitability [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • محمد رحیمی.پریسا Meta-analysis of auditor characteristics and profit quality (Considering auditor characteristics indicators) [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • محمدی‏ پور.رحمت ‏ا له Using A Multivariate Statistical Method of Factor Analysis and Grounded Theory to Review the Theory of Agency in Developing Countries (A Case Study of Iran) [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • محمدی.میرزا Using A Multivariate Statistical Method of Factor Analysis and Grounded Theory to Review the Theory of Agency in Developing Countries (A Case Study of Iran) [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • محمودی.مرتضی Explaining stock anomalies using multifactorial asset pricing models [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • مداحی.زهرا Sociological Analysis of Accounting Measurement Theories [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • مدیری.محمود A integrated hybrid fuzzy multiple-criteria decision-making model for non-performing Loans collections in the banking system (Case study: Shahr Bank) [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • مرادی.سیروس Generalized Krasnoselskii-Mann Type Iterations for Two Nonexpansive Mappings in Real Hilbert Spaces [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • مرادی.محمد Presenting a Conceptual Framework to Increase the Return and Reduce Risk (A case study: customers of Mellat Bank of Arak) [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • معبودی.رضا Investigating the Effect of Developing Financial Institutions on Economic Growth with Panel Vector Autoregressive Approach and Markov Switching Approach in MENA Member Countries [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • معبودی.رضا Investigating the effect of risk on the return of the insurance industry in the Iranian economy using generalized conditional autoregression models, ARIMA-GARCH / TARCH and beta coefficient [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • معطوفی.علیرضا Investors' Behavioral Biases in Tehran Stock Exchange by emphasizing the Role of Significant Weaknesses in Internal Control [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • معمارنژاد.عباس Investigating the role of development banks in fixed investment formation in Iran [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • ملکی.محمدحسن Identifying and Prioritizing Investment Risks in Sports Projects [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • موسوی.سیده زهرا Evaluate the Impact of the Type of Business Strategy on the Readability of Disclosure of Financial Statements of Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • مهربان پور.محمدرضا A Feasibility Study of Dissecting Stock Price Momentum Using Financial Statement Analysis [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]


  • نسرینیی.نسرین Investigating the role of arbitrage costs and feelings in the relation-ship between fundamental power strategy and stock returns [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • نصیری.سعید Evaluate the Impact of the Type of Business Strategy on the Readability of Disclosure of Financial Statements of Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]
  • نگهداری.ابراهیم Application of Panel Regression Model in Examining the Effect of Monetary Policy on Bank Profitability [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • نوروزی.محمد Developing the Stock Pricing Model based on Bounded Rationality Theory [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • نوری مطلق.ایرج Presenting a Conceptual Framework to Increase the Return and Reduce Risk (A case study: customers of Mellat Bank of Arak) [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]


  • وطن پرست.محمدرضا Investigating the Relationship between Political Uncertainty and Market Irregularities: With Emphasis on the Risky Information Environment [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • وکیلی فرد.حمید رضا Presenting the smart pattern of credit risk of the real banks’ customers using machine learning algorithm. [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]
  • ولیان.حسن Decline of Auditor's Financial Bias in Decision making by Professionalism in Auditing: Rough Set Analysis [ دوره8, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2023]


  • همت فر.محمود Designing the Optimal Model of Banking Assets and Liabilities Management based on System Dynamics Approach [ دوره8, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2023]
  • همت فر.محمود Evaluating the Performance and Ability Explain of Market Index Returns by Selected Stock Portfolios Based on Throughput Accounting Criteria in Comparison with the New Network Matrix Model [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • همت فر.محمود Comparative evaluation of the performance of selected portfoli-os based on AHP and Topsis multi-criteria decision-making techniques with Markowitz mean-variance model [ دوره8, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2023]
  • همتا.نیما An Optimization Model for Designing a Supply Chain Network with a Value-Based Management Approach [ دوره8, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2023]