فهرست مقالات Jalal Dorakhshah مقاله 1 - Political Thought of Fardidian Circle جواد خزعلی جلال درخشه International Journal of Political Science , شماره 4 , سال 10 , تابستان 2020 مقاله 2 - A Critical Reading of Neoliberalism from the Perspective of David Harvey Seyed Ebrahim Alavi جلال درخشه hasan majidi International Journal of Political Science , شماره 5 , سال 12 , زمستان 2022 مقاله 3 - The Relationship between Religion and Government in Neo- Mu'tazilite Thoughts with an Emphasis on the Thoughts of Mohammed Arkoun Abasalat Abbasi جلال درخشه Hossein Ali Nozari International Journal of Political Science , شماره 4 , سال 11 , تابستان 2021