فهرست مقالات Radouan Daher مقاله 1 - (\DELTA,\GAMMA, 2)-BESSEL LIPSCHITZ FUNCTIONS IN THE SPACE L_{2,\ALPHA}(R+) Elhamma Mohamed Radouan Daher International Journal of Mathematical Modeling & Computations , شماره 1 , سال 4 , زمستان 2014 مقاله 2 - AN LP-LQ-VERSION OF MORGAN’S THEOREM FOR THE GENERALIZED BESSEL TRANSFORM Ahmed Abouelaz Radouan Daher Loualid El Mehdi International Journal of Mathematical Modeling & Computations , شماره 1 , سال 6 , زمستان 2016 مقاله 3 - GENERALIZATION OF TITCHMARSH'S THEOREM FOR THE DUNKL TRANSFORM IN THE SPACE $L^P(R)$ Elhamma Mohamed Hind Lahlai Radouan Daher International Journal of Mathematical Modeling & Computations , شماره 1 , سال 5 , بهار 2015