فهرست مقالات Sara Hosseinzadeh Kassani

  • مقاله

    1 - مقایسه اولویت بندی راهکارهای موضوعی- محتوایی و انگیزشی-ساختاری آموزش اخلاق حرفه ای حسابداری به دانش آموزان و دانشجویان رشته حسابداری از دیدگاه دبیران هنرستان و استادان دانشگاه
    حسابداری مدیریت , شماره 2 , سال 9 , تابستان 1395
    اینپژوهشباهدف مقایسه اولویت بندی راهکارهای موضوعی- محتوایی و انگیزشی-ساختاری آموزش اخلاق حرفه ای حسابداری به دانش آموزان و دانشجویان رشته حسابداری از دیدگاه دبیران هنرستان و استادان دانشگاه در هنرستانهای فنی و حرفه ای ودانشگاه ها با استفاده از تحلیل عاملی انجامشد.جامعه چکیده کامل
    اینپژوهشباهدف مقایسه اولویت بندی راهکارهای موضوعی- محتوایی و انگیزشی-ساختاری آموزش اخلاق حرفه ای حسابداری به دانش آموزان و دانشجویان رشته حسابداری از دیدگاه دبیران هنرستان و استادان دانشگاه در هنرستانهای فنی و حرفه ای ودانشگاه ها با استفاده از تحلیل عاملی انجامشد.جامعه آماری شامل 2 گروه دبیران رشته حسابداری هنرستان‌های فنی و حرفه‌ای و اساتید رشته حسابداری که در دانشگاه‌های استان چهارمحال و بختیاری تدریس می‌کنند، است.ابزار مورداستفاده در تحلیلعاملتأییدی نرم‌افزار LISREL است. بر اساس نتایج مشخص‌شده، در زمینه راهکارهای محتوایی- موضوعی مفاهیم صداقت و ارزش‌های اخلاقی اجتماعی و اصول اخلاق اسلامی دارای بالاترین اولویت هستند و اصول حرفه‌ای اخلاق متناسب بافرهنگ هر کشور و رابطه اخلاق میان کارکنان در اولویت‌های بعدی قرار دارند. در خصوص راهکارهای انگیزشی-ساختاری مقایسه دو گروه نشان می‌دهد که بالاترین اولویت ازنظر دبیران هنرستان و اساتید دانشگاه آموزش اصول اخلاق حرفه‌ای به‌صورت یک درس مستقل و گنجاندن اصول اخلاقی در سرفصل دروس دیگر است. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - A Combined Model for Prediction of Financial Software Learning Rate based on the Accounting Students’ Characteristics
    Advances in Mathematical Finance and Applications , شماره 5 , سال 7 , پاییز 2022
    The accounting software is considered to be of the most critical components of accounting information system, with particular significance as of accounting and financial systems. the most important problems with accounting education systems is that students do not adequ چکیده کامل
    The accounting software is considered to be of the most critical components of accounting information system, with particular significance as of accounting and financial systems. the most important problems with accounting education systems is that students do not adequately learn the financial software required by the accounting profession, which, in turn, reduces the credibility and position of the accounting profession. That the main objective of accounting software education is to educate skilled and expert accountants to enter the accounting profession, which is considered as of the success factors of country’s economy. In this study, employ data mining techniques to investigate the accuracy, precision, and recall performance measures and to predict the rate of financial software learning based on accounting students’ emotional intelligence (EI), gender and education level. Accordingly, a machine-learning-based multivariate statistical analysis is performed on 100 Iranian accounting students. The results show that emotional intelligence has the most impact on the rate of financial software learning among the variables. Gender and education level were influential. Also, among the five algorithms, the highest precision and recall are achieved by both Decision Tree and XGBoost and are presented as the most appropriate models for the prediction rate of financial software learning. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - Designing a Model to Investigate the Process of Forming Cluster Fluctuations According to the Fractal Structure in Financial Markets
    Advances in Mathematical Finance and Applications , شماره 7 , سال 9 , تابستان 2024
    Cluster fluctuations and fractal structures are important features of space-time correlation in complex financial systems. However, the microscopic mechanism of creation and expansion of these two features in financial markets remains challenging. In the current researc چکیده کامل
    Cluster fluctuations and fractal structures are important features of space-time correlation in complex financial systems. However, the microscopic mechanism of creation and expansion of these two features in financial markets remains challenging. In the current research, by using factor-based model design and considering a new interactive mechanism called multi-level clustering, the formation process of cluster fluctuations was investigated with regard to the fractal structure of financial markets. For this purpose, the daily information of the final price of 150 shares that were accepted in the Tehran Stock Exchange, after the final screening, was entered in 5 sections with 30 shares in each section, in the desired model, and they were aggregated in three stock levels., sector and market were measured. Due to the fact that some investors have a longer investment horizon in the stock market and due to the limitation of the investigated time period, the maximum investment horizon of 1000 days has been determined in the model.In addition, the data studied in the research model are from August 2012 to September 2018. The findings of the research showed that the intensity of the tendency of collec-tive behavior at the sector level is much stronger than at the market level. In addition, based on the findings of the research, it was determined that the distribution of simulation eigenvalues in three levels is significantly similar to the distribution of real data. Also, according to the investor's time horizon, the studied series always has a long-term memory for fluctuations. In addi-tion, it was found that long-term memory is directly related to fractal dimen-sions. The findings of this research, in addition to providing a new insight into the space-time correlations of financial markets, show that multi-level conglomeration is one of the mechanisms for creating the microscopic mi-crostructure of such markets. In other words, multi-level collective behavior is an important factor in the occurrence of cluster and fractal fluctuations in the market, and therefore, it should be considered from this point of view in the interpretation of the concept of risk and the definition of risk manage-ment strategies. پرونده مقاله