فهرست مقالات Kefsan mansouri

  • مقاله

    1 - The Moderating Role of Firms characteristics on the Relationship between Working Capital Management and Financial Performance
    Advances in Mathematical Finance and Applications , شماره 1 , سال 4 , زمستان 2019
    Optimal working capital management can positively effect on the Firm performance, but this relationship can be affected by major characteristics of the firm, making an important subject for research. This research investigates the moderating role of firm characteristics چکیده کامل
    Optimal working capital management can positively effect on the Firm performance, but this relationship can be affected by major characteristics of the firm, making an important subject for research. This research investigates the moderating role of firm characteristics on the relation between working capital management and financial performance of the firms listed in TSE during 2008 – 2017 period. Based on existing researches, three characters are considered as moderating variables in this research include firm size, debt ratio, and Governmental ownership. Financial performance and working capital management are measured using return on assets (ROA) and cash conversion cycle (CCC), respectively. We use from multivariate regression model with panel data for test of research hypotheses. The Results of this study show that, firm size affects the Relation between CCC (as a measure of working capital management) and ROA (as a measure of firm performance). However, debt ratio and Governmental ownership don’t any significant effect on the relationship between working capital management and financial performance of firms پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Opaque Information, Deviation from Target Leverage and Speed of Adjustment
    Advances in Mathematical Finance and Applications , شماره 2 , سال 4 , بهار 2019
    Information opacity leads to information asymmetry. In this situation, in providing their own financial needs, firms face limitations and inevitably provide their financial needs from the debt market by signalling private information to it. In addition, information opac چکیده کامل
    Information opacity leads to information asymmetry. In this situation, in providing their own financial needs, firms face limitations and inevitably provide their financial needs from the debt market by signalling private information to it. In addition, information opacity affects the leverage adjustment speed. This research investigates the effect of information opacity on deviation from target leverage and its’ adjustment speed during 2003 - 2017 in 131 firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. To estimate the research models, we use the regression analysis with panel data approach, the approach to control the effects of years and industries and the generalized method of moments with system estimator (system GMM). The research results show that the increase in information opacity increases (decreases) the positive (negative) deviation from target leverage. Also, research findings indicate that the increase in information opacity decreases the adjustment speed. پرونده مقاله