فهرست مقالات افسانه ایگدر

  • مقاله

    1 - Nazmiyeh (Police) and its Place in the Ideology of Reza Shah's Government
    International Journal of Political Science , شماره 2 , سال 13 , بهار 2023
    Reza Shah's government can also be considered a government based on an ideology. This ideology has different components and at the same time, based on it, various institutions were created during Pahlavi's rule. Accurate knowledge of the Pahlavi government, especially i چکیده کامل
    Reza Shah's government can also be considered a government based on an ideology. This ideology has different components and at the same time, based on it, various institutions were created during Pahlavi's rule. Accurate knowledge of the Pahlavi government, especially in the era of Reza Shah, is obtained with a correct understanding of this ideology. Therefore, the state of the Pahlavi government is "linked" to this ideology in a very fundamental way. Looking at its situation, the three most important elements in it were considered the main ideological components of the government, which are: "authoritarianism", "monopolism" and "personalization of power". Of course, nationalism and antiquarianism can also be added to these. In this research, the focus is on the political components of the government's ideology. In sum, according to these three components, the ideological characteristic of Reza Shah's government can be considered as "concentration of exclusive personal power". In the meantime, the military institutions, which Reza Shah had placed the main support of his power on, played a very important role in the continuation of the government and the implementation of its ideology. The "police" was one of the most important of these institutions, which was completely at the service of the "person" of Reza Shah, and before and after he reached the throne, he fulfilled his wishes completely. This article seeks to understand the "problem" of the "police" in the ideology of the government with a descriptive and analytical method. And at the same time, its most important findings are that the "police" based on the principle of "concentration of exclusive personal power", was one of the main tools for creating order and suppressing Reza Shah's opponents. The most important result of this research is that the police played a role in establishing the "concentration of exclusive personal power" mostly by "suppressing and censoring the press", "dominating the elections and parliament" and "suppressing the opponents of the king". And this act was exactly based on the ideology of Reza Shah's government. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - ایدئولوژی حکومت پهلوی اول و مؤلفه‌های تشکیل‌دهنده آن
    سیاست‌پژوهیِ اسلامی‌ایرانی , شماره 10 , سال 3 , تابستان 1403

    حکومت پهلوی، برآمده از شرایط تاریخی و سیاسیِ ایرانِ پس از مشروطه بود. دوره‌ای که علی‌رغم خوش‌بینی‌ها برای ایجاد یک دولت قانونمدار و ملی و البته مقتدر، به‌سبب شرایطی که از داخل و خارج به ایران تحمیل شد، بخش مهمی از آرمان های آن ناکام ماند. تا چکیده کامل

    حکومت پهلوی، برآمده از شرایط تاریخی و سیاسیِ ایرانِ پس از مشروطه بود. دوره‌ای که علی‌رغم خوش‌بینی‌ها برای ایجاد یک دولت قانونمدار و ملی و البته مقتدر، به‌سبب شرایطی که از داخل و خارج به ایران تحمیل شد، بخش مهمی از آرمان های آن ناکام ماند. تا برآمدن حکومتِ جدید، که انتظارِ آن از چند سال پیش از کودتای 1299 وجود داشت، زمینه‌های فکری و سیاسی‌ای فراهم شد که بعداً در یک صورت‌بندیِ مشخص، به ایدئولوژی حکومتِ آینده تبدیل شد. این پژوهش، برایِ فهمِ این ایدئولوژی به طرحِ این پرسش می‌پردازد که: مؤلفه‌های اصلی ایدئولوژی حکومت در دورۀ پهلوی اوّل کدام‌ها هستند و چگونه این ایدئولوژی را شکل می‌دهند؟ با در نظر گرفتن وضعیتِ موجود در آن روزگار، چهار مؤلفه وجود داشت که در این زمان تقریباً باهم مورد توجه ویژه قرار گرفت که عبارت بودند از: «دولت‌گرایی»، «اقتدارگرایی»، «تجددگرایی»، «ناسیونالیسم». دولت‌گرایی مؤلفه اصلی این ایدئولوژی بود که نهادِ فراگیرِ دولتِ مدرنِ پهلوی را به‌وجود آورد که موجب تمایزِ اساسی شکل و کارکرد و حتی محتوایِ دولت نسبت به گذشته بود. سه مؤلفه دیگر نیز در پیوند با «دولت‌گرایی»، و به‌نوعی زیر سیطره آن قرار داشتند.

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