فهرست مقالات مجید فتاحی پور

  • مقاله

    1 - The Impact of Online Metadiscourse Markers Instruction on Iranian EFL Learners' Expository Writing: A Mixed Methods Study
    Research in English Language Pedagogy , شماره 5 , سال 12 , زمستان 2024
    Focusing on metadiscourse markers during EFL writing classes has garnered research attention, yet few studies were conducted on online expository writing. This study explores the effect of metadiscourse markers instruction on expository writing of 80 male and female EFL چکیده کامل
    Focusing on metadiscourse markers during EFL writing classes has garnered research attention, yet few studies were conducted on online expository writing. This study explores the effect of metadiscourse markers instruction on expository writing of 80 male and female EFL learners in the school context, selected through convenience sampling and an interview followed with a smaller number of participants. Initially, the eighty participants were assigned to experimental (n=40) and control (n=40) groups after checking homogeneity in terms of English proficiency level. The participants in the experimental group received explicit instruction of markers, whereas the control group received the conventional curriculum-based writing instruction that included similar material/topics, except for the explicit focus on metadiscourse markers, all through a uniform digital platform mandated in the state-run schools. The frequency/use of metadiscourse markers in the writing assignments of the participants per session and the total was noted, and then a corpus of 80 collected essays was analyzed by a trained rater and researcher to both analyze whether metadiscourse markers instruction had any significant effect on expository writings and to determine which metadiscourse markers showed up in the texts written by students more. Finally, a semi-structured interview was conducted with eight EFL instructors to explore their attitudes. Statistical test of Analysis of Covariance showed a significant effect of metadiscourse markers instruction on EFL learners’ expository writing. Another finding was that participants employed interactional metadiscourse markers frequently. Implications for policy-makers, students, and teachers indicate that free access to online writing resources improves learning perceptions/outcomes. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - دگرگونی گویش خلجی در برخورد با فارسی تهرانی
    ادبیات و زبان های محلی ایران زمین , شماره 2 , سال 6 , تابستان 1395
    گویش خلجی از گویش های کهن ترکی در ایران به شمار می رود. این گویش، به علت قرار داشتن جغرافیای تکلم آن در قلب مناطق فارسی زبان، با دیگر گویش های ترکی تبادلی نداشته است. گویش خلجی تغییرات زبانی بسیارگسترده ای را در اثر همزیستی و مراودات اجتماعی با فارسی معیار پذیرفته است. چکیده کامل
    گویش خلجی از گویش های کهن ترکی در ایران به شمار می رود. این گویش، به علت قرار داشتن جغرافیای تکلم آن در قلب مناطق فارسی زبان، با دیگر گویش های ترکی تبادلی نداشته است. گویش خلجی تغییرات زبانی بسیارگسترده ای را در اثر همزیستی و مراودات اجتماعی با فارسی معیار پذیرفته است. هدف این مطالعه بررسی عوامل دخیل در این اثرپذیری در گویش خلجی مهاجران ساکن تهران است. در این پژوهش، تغییرات واژگان و طرز گفتار مهاجران گونۀ خلجی جامعۀ زبانی تهران بررسی شده است. بررسی کیفی نشان داد برخی آواهای خلجی به طور معنی داری در گفتار گویشوران گوناگون، شبیه فارسی معیار شده اند. بررسی کمّی چندین عامل همچون جنسیت، طبقۀ اجتماعی، تحصیلات، شغل، سن گویشور، سن مهاجرت، مدت اقامت و منطقۀ اقامت در تهران نشان داد که از این میان، سن مهاجرت بیشترین تعیین کنندگی را در این دگرگونی داشته است. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - Effects of Explicit Instruction of Metadiscourse Markers on Persuasive Writing Ability and the Learners’ Attitude towards Teaching Academic Writing with Online Modality
    Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies , شماره 1 , سال 3 , بهار 2024
    Persuasive writing is considered a complex genre for EFL learners to master and yet vital for academic arguments. As metadiscourse markers are recognizable and familiar devices to persuade, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of their explicit onlin چکیده کامل
    Persuasive writing is considered a complex genre for EFL learners to master and yet vital for academic arguments. As metadiscourse markers are recognizable and familiar devices to persuade, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of their explicit online instruction on Iranian EFL learners' persuasive writing. The participants were homogenous EFL learners at the intermediate level, divided into two groups: experimental (n=40) and control (n=40). An official e-platform used in Iranian state-run schools was used for online instruction. According to a regular schedule, the participants received different passages containing metadiscourse markers. The teacher assigned the experimental group to notice and discuss the markers in small groups. Then, a passage-related topic was assigned and the learners wrote a persuasive essay in each session. For the control group, the same procedure was adopted except for the explicit focus on metadiscourse markers. Finally, a writing test demonstrated the significant effect of explicit instruction on persuasive writing of EFL learners, through statistical analysis explaining participants’ attitude and high frequency of - interactive type markers. Learners’ attitudes were also examined through interviews. Pedagogical implications are suggested to include explicit focus on metadiscourse markers in writing courses. پرونده مقاله