فهرست مقالات مهدی زارع

  • مقاله

    1 - A Strong Ground Motion Catalogue of Selected Records for Shallow Crustal, Near Field Earthquakes in Iran
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , شماره 2 , سال 12 , بهار 2020
    Understanding strong ground motions in the near-fault areas is important for seismic risk assessment in densely populated areas. In the past, lack of information on strong ground motion for large and moderate earthquakes led to the use of mainly far field large and mode چکیده کامل
    Understanding strong ground motions in the near-fault areas is important for seismic risk assessment in densely populated areas. In the past, lack of information on strong ground motion for large and moderate earthquakes led to the use of mainly far field large and moderate earthquake records in equations for calculation of the strong ground motion parameters. In this article, we collected and generated a seismic catalogue with a data set of corrected and processed 217 triaxial near source strong ground motion and accelerometric data recorded from 1976 to 2018 obtained from 30 shallow crustal earthquakes with a focal depth below 30 km from different regions including 24 in Iran, 5 in California and one in Italy (because of the lack of Iranian near-field accelerograms) in different stations. These data were recorded (129 Iranian records, 88 from California and Italy) with a source-to-site distance less than 80 km and earthquakes between Mw = 5 and 7.5. Receiver function method was used for site classification for these records. The percentage of processed data in this study was 18%, 43%, 33% and 6% for the different site classes of 1, 2, 3, and 4. In the final catalog, records in which their PGA≥ 100 cm /s2, were reported. This near source ground motion database also contains information about ground motion, source parameters and is fundamental for dynamic research in earthquake engineering for the estimation of strong ground motion parameters (PGA, PGV, PGD and frequency content of response spectra) of moderate-to-large earthquakes. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Seismic Hazards and risk assessment of Badakhshan region (northeast Afghanistan)
    Journal of Radar and Optical Remote Sensing and GIS , شماره 2 , سال 5 , تابستان 2022
    The Badakhshan region in the northeast of Afghanistan has a complex geology that was created as a result of the collision of the Indian and Eurasian blocks. Using EMME seismographic catalogue data, with updates (years 2011-2021), from the website of Harvard University, چکیده کامل
    The Badakhshan region in the northeast of Afghanistan has a complex geology that was created as a result of the collision of the Indian and Eurasian blocks. Using EMME seismographic catalogue data, with updates (years 2011-2021), from the website of Harvard University, International Seismic Research Centre (ISC) and USGS, a catalogue of earthquake epicentres. A device has been prepared. Then, according to the last earthquake of magnitude 7.2 in 2015, coefficients a and b have been calculated at the surface and depth. This value for b value is 1.0 in the northern half and a value is 7.9 in the southern half. The numerical increase of a and b in the central and southern half after the 2015 event has been quite evident. Earthquake prediction in the southern half of Badakhshan will increase in the future. According to the trend of earthquakes, the results indicate that contrary to the direction of the main fault in North Badakhshan (North-South), the highest frequency of earthquakes is 4≤ at a depth of 70-150 km, earthquakes are 5≤, and the depth of 150-300km from the earth and finally 6≤ at the depth of 300-700km in the east-west direction. This area is exactly where the Pamir Corridor plate subducts due to the pressure of the Indian plate in the west and southwest of Badakhshan. The tectonic situation of the region subducts to the south and southwest and causes compression and bending in the south of Badakhshan. پرونده مقاله