فهرست مقالات HeydarAli Shayanfar مقاله 1 - Two-stage Operational Planning of a Virtual Power Plant in the Presence of a Demand Response Program 20.1001.1.26764342.2022. Amirali Shahkoomahalli Amangaldi Koochaki Heidarali Shayanfar Journal of Applied Dynamic Systems and Control , شماره 1 , سال 5 , بهار 1401 مقاله 2 - Loss Reduction in a Probabilistic Approach for Optimal Planning of Renewable Resources 20.1001.1.22519246.2017. Seyed Amir Hossein Bahreyni HeydarAli Shayanfar International Journal of Smart Electrical Engineering , شماره 1 , سال 6 , زمستان 2017