فهرست مقالات seyed mohammad hoseini

  • مقاله

    1 - Using SWOT Analysis to develop a strategy for the transfer of Intelligent Oil Fields Technology in Iran
    International Journal of Management and Business Research , شماره 26 , سال 8 , زمستان 2024
    Oil and natural gas are the main industries in the energy market and play a critical role in the global economy. This industry is improved due to technological advancements, and new technologies are applied for better exploitation and increased profitability. When deali چکیده کامل
    Oil and natural gas are the main industries in the energy market and play a critical role in the global economy. This industry is improved due to technological advancements, and new technologies are applied for better exploitation and increased profitability. When dealing with shared oil reservoirs, the importance of this issue becomes more apparent. This paper describes a SWOT carried out to plan the strategy for the transfer of intelligent oil fields technology in Iran. Several potential solutions may be pursued to enhance the transfer and implementation of intelligent technology in Iranian oil fields. These may involve the establishment of oil field development contracts with neighboring countries to manage shared fields collaboratively, the avoidance of conflicts of interest in equipment supply contracts, the implementation of legal requirements mandating the adoption of intelligent field technology by oil companies, the provision of investment incentives, and the hiring of information technology and network specialists. By implementing these measures, it is anticipated that the overall efficiency and effectiveness of oil field operations in Iran will be significantly improved. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - An Appropriate Framework in the Area of Organization Knowledge Management of Civil Projects Using a Dynamic Model
    Journal of System Management , شماره 5 , سال 5 , پاییز 2019
    The world economic image has been changing. It has been a long time since the sole important resources of an organization were financial and physical. In the newly-emerged global economy, knowledge and information are accounted as the most significant resources in order چکیده کامل
    The world economic image has been changing. It has been a long time since the sole important resources of an organization were financial and physical. In the newly-emerged global economy, knowledge and information are accounted as the most significant resources in order to produce value. Obviously, as the demand for knowledge to reach success is increasing day by day, maintenance and enhancement of an organizations’ inner knowledge possesses a high degree of importance. This knowledge is used by the individuals inside the organizations. In other words, human resource plays a vital role in an organization’s knowledge management. Additionally, due to the complexity of working conditions and advent of fierce competitions, a sheer number of organizations have moved towards project-oriented activities in an attempt to detract from the costs and to boost flexibility. Accomplishment of project-oriented activities is met in the form of a matrix organizational structure and therefor, upon completing any project, the human resource will immediately become involved in the next project or are even likely to leave the organization. Hence, maintenance of their knowledge and experience and transferring them to the next projects tend to be a matter of discussion. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - Structuring Effective Factors on Maturity of Technology Using the ISM Method
    Journal of System Management , شماره 5 , سال 6 , پاییز 2020
    Due to the dynamic nature of technology, capabilities related to production technologies that have been created for manufacturing new and unique products are constantly changing. Therefore it is essential to monitor the processes and techniques used to understand whethe چکیده کامل
    Due to the dynamic nature of technology, capabilities related to production technologies that have been created for manufacturing new and unique products are constantly changing. Therefore it is essential to monitor the processes and techniques used to understand whether the production of a product fits future circumstances. Leaders of organizations must decide when to switch to a new technology, to maintain and increase competitive advantages. In such conditions, evaluating the maturity of the considered technologies is essential. This article with a conclusive view at various factors affecting the maturity of technology, examines the structuring of the factors affecting the aforementioned maturity. This model is based on Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) methodology. The ISM approach enables groups and individuals to identify complex relationships among a multitude of elements in a complex decision-making situation; and it works as a tool for organizing and directing complexities of relationships between variables. This technique starts with identifying variables that are related to the issue, then the contextual relations between the variables are determined using the knowledge and experience of the experts; finally, the multilevel structural model is formed. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    4 - Designing an Integrated Model of Mathematical Planning and IoT with Emphasis on Cost-Time-Routing Optimization of Intercity Transportation Systems
    Journal of System Management , شماره 4 , سال 8 , تابستان 2022
    The issue of transportation, which today as a socio-political phenomenon plays a very sensitive and important role in the quality and socio-economic structure of a society, forms the basis of modern urban life and the needs of human movement. In this research, our goal چکیده کامل
    The issue of transportation, which today as a socio-political phenomenon plays a very sensitive and important role in the quality and socio-economic structure of a society, forms the basis of modern urban life and the needs of human movement. In this research, our goal is to design a system dynamics model in the form of combined transport system to try to reduce costs, time and increase customer satisfaction by taking into account the uncertainty in the combined transport system, especially uncertainty in demand. Considering the productivity required by both of passengers and urban management, the importance of the issue and its impact on other sectors, as well as the lack of sufficient research in this field, in this study, the design of intra-city transportation system will be studied. The purpose of this planning is to determine the location of stations for public transportation as well as to determine the best route to reach the next station. Initially, the IoT system is used to collect and analyze historical data.Then the effective parameters and input values of the mathematical programming model are determined. The implementation of the model determines the appropriate outcomes for the decision variables. In other words, this leads to determining the optimal stations and the appropriate route to transport passengers between stations so that travel time and cost are minimized. In addition to material profitability, this includes passenger satisfaction, increased willingness to use public transport, reduced traffic, and reduced environmental impact, increased reliability of public transport and more accurate forecast of vehicle arrival at the station. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    5 - The Parameters Affecting the Mathematical Programming Model of the Appropriate Transportation System
    Journal of System Management , شماره 2 , سال 7 , بهار 2021
    Due to the importance of public transportation, which has become today an important urban problem with special conditions, this study was conducted aimed at determining the parameters affecting the mathematical programming model of the appropriate transportation system. چکیده کامل
    Due to the importance of public transportation, which has become today an important urban problem with special conditions, this study was conducted aimed at determining the parameters affecting the mathematical programming model of the appropriate transportation system. The study was performed by modeling method, and the problem was solved in three different sizes (small, medium and large) to show the efficiency of the model and the proposed solution methods. Some common test problems in the literature were selected and the required characteristics of the problem under study were defined for them as needed, since there are no sample test problems in the literature to examine the performance of the developed algorithms. The results indicated that some of the most important parameters affecting the designed mathematical model were movement risks, fatigue and drowsiness while driving, demands at the source node, demands at the destination node, number of vehicles across the network, the time interval between requests, and the time interval between two consecutive requests. The mentioned parameters were so effective that little changes in parameters such as demands at the source node, demands at the destination node, and the number of vehicles across the network significantly increased time and decreased profitability. the company has a significant effect on the debt cost rate and capital cost rate and does not have a significant effect on stock prices. Finally, the share price shows little sensitivity to the company's financial structure. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    6 - The application of TRIZ to solve the GSC problems in Sobhanoncology pharmaceutical firm.
    پژوهشگر , شماره 4 , سال 4 , بهار 2019
    The purpose of this paper is to apply TRIZ for solving the GSC problems in Sobhanoncology pharmaceutical firm. A review of the past papers of TRIZ based methods to GSC problem resolution is presented. The TRIZ contradiction matrix tool which was applied to the specific چکیده کامل
    The purpose of this paper is to apply TRIZ for solving the GSC problems in Sobhanoncology pharmaceutical firm. A review of the past papers of TRIZ based methods to GSC problem resolution is presented. The TRIZ contradiction matrix tool which was applied to the specific problem brings many benefits e.g.: being rapid acceleration in solving the problem. Moreover provides repeatability, reliability and also cut costs and times due to its structure. The situation is based on a manufacturing process problem. To recognize, understand, analyze, and solve the problem, the author identifies six steps which are applying Fish bone diagram, illustrating non-existence of optimization, showing the contradiction by classical TRIZ system of contradiction model, Linking the Contradiction, decision and evaluation space, and applying TRIZ contradiction matrix to solve the problem. According to the result of distributive questionnaire the problem is related to ineffective pressing process of one of tablets which is named Flutamid. According to the problem which is technical and has technical contradiction, TRIZ contradiction matrix is chosen. according to comparison of profit and loss, following the principle 35, by changing physical state in process condition could be made to resolve problem. Instead of granule powder, the liquid one can be applied which will be formed in low temperature to solid one. As a result, no wasting time could be happened. To this end, although TRIZ contradiction matrix provides 39 general parameters to solve technical contradiction (Karimi, 2007), none offers a specific framework which includes details for each parameters. پرونده مقاله