فهرست مقالات مهدیه ابراهیمی

  • مقاله

    1 - Growth and Heavy Metals Uptake of Puccinellia distans (Jacq.) Parl
    International Journal of Agricultural Science Research& Technology , شماره 4 , سال 2 , بهار 2012
    The use of plants to remediate contaminated soil has been the most rapidly developing component in environmental cleansing. Although total concentration of heavy metals in soil is used for regulatory review, it also is beneficial to assess the potential for ecosystem im چکیده کامل
    The use of plants to remediate contaminated soil has been the most rapidly developing component in environmental cleansing. Although total concentration of heavy metals in soil is used for regulatory review, it also is beneficial to assess the potential for ecosystem impact through a series of bioassays. One commonly used bioassay is seed germination. In current research study effect of contaminated soil with heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, Fe) on germination and growth of Puccinellia distans were evaluated. Shoot and root concentrations of metals were also measured. Data obtained from the experiment indicated that the plant perform dose-dependent responses to the contaminated soils. Reduction in germination, root and shoot height and biomass were significantly (P<0.05) different when compared to the control. Analysis of tissue concentrations in the plant showed that heavy metals were mainly accumulated in the roots and also plant tissues demonstrated different affinity to take up heavy metals. In all the plant organs, the concentrations of heavy metals increased as the metals contents in the soil increased. [Ebrahimi. Seed Growth and Heavy Metals Uptake of Puccinellia distans (Jacq.) Parl. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology, 2012; 2(2):83-88]. پرونده مقاله

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    2 - Effect of Micro-Catchment on indices of Rangeland Health Using Landscape Function Analysis Method
    Journal of Rangeland Science , شماره 2 , سال 6 , بهار 2016
    Water harvesting is the collection of runoff for productivity purposes, instead of runoff being left to cause erosion. In arid and semi-arid drought-prone areas, micro-catchments are widely used as a water harvesting method to improve rangeland condition. The aim of pre چکیده کامل
    Water harvesting is the collection of runoff for productivity purposes, instead of runoff being left to cause erosion. In arid and semi-arid drought-prone areas, micro-catchments are widely used as a water harvesting method to improve rangeland condition. The aim of present study was to investigate the effects of micro-catchment on ecological indices of rangeland health in Ghick-Sheikhha, Jiroft, Iran using LFA (Landscape Function Analysis) method. A free micro-catchment area (as control) was selected to compare the effects of micro-catchment on the soil and vegetation cover. In this method 11 soil parameters were assessed (transects of 100m length) to recognize three functional properties, including stability, infiltration and nutrient cycling. Statistical data analyses were done using analysis of landscape function and paird t test to compare the performance indicators in the control and micro-catchment. To determine best factors affecting the health of the range, multivariate regression model was used. The results showed that in the micro-catchment treatment, the length of patches were more than that in the control area. Significant differences were observed between the areas in terms of three indices (p≤0.05). Regression models suggested that the parameters of soil sedimentation, soil resistance to humidity, soil surface roughness and canopy cover in the micro-catchment area and soil surface roughness, litter cover and surface resist to disturb in the control area had respectively, the higher impact on rangeland health indices. Generally, the present study suggested the effectiveness of micro-catchment compared to the control area. پرونده مقاله

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    3 - Some Autecological Properties of Medicinal Plant of Salvia hydrangea L. in Mazandaran, Iran
    Journal of Rangeland Science , شماره 4 , سال 6 , تابستان 2016
    The study of plant under environmental conditions leads to an appreciation of their physical and chemical requirements for growth and reproduction. It contributes to increase the knowledge of where the plants grow. This study was conducted to determine the main autecolo چکیده کامل
    The study of plant under environmental conditions leads to an appreciation of their physical and chemical requirements for growth and reproduction. It contributes to increase the knowledge of where the plants grow. This study was conducted to determine the main autecological characteristics of Salvia hydrangea L. which is an endemic plant distributed in Mazanadarn province, Iran. The habitats of this species (altitude of 1100, 1700 and 2000m) were identified (2014) and then, the climatic and edaphic characteristics of habitats were determined. Surveys of the plant in the habitats were done along the transect (100m) within quadrant (4m2) with a systematically randomized method during major phenological stages of the plant. Phenological stages and some plant characteristics such as density, canopy cover, plant height and root system were studied. Results showed that in lower altitudes, vegetative growth starts in the middle of February and follows the flowering at the end of May whereas in higher altitudes, the plant starts vegetative growth in the early March and reaches fully flowered at the end of June. The mean annual rainfall and temperature of the habitats ranged from 383–540 mm and 21–24°C, respectively. Results showed that the plant density and canopy cover decreased slowly with increasing altitude while reaching the minimum value in the altitude of 2000m. The root depth of plant in the loamy sand soils was deeper than the clay loamy soils. Density and other measured vegetal factors ofplant decreased with decreasing the nutrient content of soil. Loamy sand and clay loamy soils of the habitat had pH near neutral and EC varying from 0.43 to 0.90 dS m-1. It was concluded that the plant generally prefers the climate conditions with high temperature and high rainfall. In lower altitudes with more soil nutrients, there are more optimal conditions for the domestication and harvesting of S. hydrangea L. as a medicinal plant. پرونده مقاله

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    4 - Semi-Circular Bunds Effect on Restoration of Plant Vegetation and Soil Properties in Koteh Rangeland, Sistan and Baloochestan Province, Iran
    Journal of Rangeland Science , شماره 5 , سال 6 , پاییز 2016
    In dry lands, semi-circular bund has been considered as a management practice used to restore the ecological revival in terms of vegetation enrichment and soil amelioration. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of semi-circular bunds on vegetation cover a چکیده کامل
    In dry lands, semi-circular bund has been considered as a management practice used to restore the ecological revival in terms of vegetation enrichment and soil amelioration. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of semi-circular bunds on vegetation cover and some soil properties in Koteh rangeland, Sistan and Baloochestan province, Iran (2014). Adjacent to the semi-circular bund area, a rangeland area without semi-circular bunds was selected as the control site. Vegetation sampling was done using 5×5 m2 plots and soil samples were taken from the depth of 0–30 cm. Vegetation and soil data were analyzed using T test. In total, 16 species from 7 families and 13 genera were observed. Results showed that semi-circular bunds exhibited more vegetation cover, plant production and density. The minimum values of production and vegetation cover were related to the control site. The highest and lowest richness and diversity of species were measured in the semi-circular bunds area and the control site, respectively. The pH level was significantly higher in the soils of semi-circular bunds area as compared to the control site (P<0.05). However, the level of soil EC followed an opposite pattern. Results showed that the amounts of organic carbon, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and calcium carbonate increased significantly in the semi-circular bunds as compared to the control site (P<0.05). The semi-circular bunds area had more amounts of clay and silt and the least values were measured in the control site. In total, the results of the study showed that building the semi-circular bund had positive effects on vegetation cover and soil properties in the rangelands of study area. پرونده مقاله

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    5 - Investigation of Heavy Metals Accumulation in Plants Growing in Contaminated Soils (Case Study: Qazvin Province, Iran)
    Journal of Rangeland Science , شماره 2 , سال 4 , بهار 2014
    Environmental pollution with heavy metals is a global disaster that is related tohuman activities. This study was conducted to determine the extent of heavy metalsaccumulation by plant species in Lia industrial city (Qazvin, Iran) and to investigate theremediative capac چکیده کامل
    Environmental pollution with heavy metals is a global disaster that is related tohuman activities. This study was conducted to determine the extent of heavy metalsaccumulation by plant species in Lia industrial city (Qazvin, Iran) and to investigate theremediative capacity of native plant species grown in the contaminated soils. Soil andindustrial wastewater sampling was done radially along transects with 300 m intervalsfrom exit point of wastewater at three sites. In each sampling point, along 100 m transectswithin 5×2 m plots, the plant samples and soil samples were collected in depth of 0-20 cmand 20-40 cm from rhizosphere zone. Concentration of copper, zinc and chromium in rootand shoot of 11 plant species, soil and wastewater were analyzed in three sits formentioned metals. Bio Concentration factors and translocation factor were determined toensure phytoremediation availability. Results showed that the concentrations of metals inthe soil and wastewater greatly exceeded the threshold limit values. The contents of metalsin soils ranged in the order of Cr>Zn>Cu and in wastewater were in the order ofZn>Cr>Cu, respectively. Results showed that Scirpus maritimus L. and Phragmitesaustralis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel presented the highest accumulation of Zn, Cu and Cr intheir root tissues which were suitable for phytostabilization (with a high BCF couple withlow TF). The lowest extractable Zn (7.24 and 3.29 mgkg-1 for shoot and root respectively,BCF=0.07) and extractable Cu (2.56 and 2.80 mgkg-1 for shoot and root respectively,BCF=0.14) were related to Hordeum glaucum L. Moreover, the relatively lowest values ofCr were measured for Taraxacum officinale L. Results indicated that the species, whichhad low metal bioaccumulation in their roots and high TF, could play important roles forremoval of heavy metals through phytoextraction. پرونده مقاله

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    6 - Use of Festuca ovina L. in Chelate Assisted Phytoextraction of Copper Contaminated Soils
    Journal of Rangeland Science , شماره 4 , سال 4 , تابستان 2014
    Festuca ovina L. is a hyperaccumulating plant which has aroused considerableinterest with respect to its possible use for phytoremediation of contaminated soils. Thisstudy has been conducted to evaluate the potentials of F. ovina L. to serve as aphytoremediation plant i چکیده کامل
    Festuca ovina L. is a hyperaccumulating plant which has aroused considerableinterest with respect to its possible use for phytoremediation of contaminated soils. Thisstudy has been conducted to evaluate the potentials of F. ovina L. to serve as aphytoremediation plant in the cleaning up of Cu in the polluted soils and to identifyextraction efficiency of Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA) for desorbing copperin relation to chelator dosage. Seeds have been sown in control and Cu contaminated pots(artificially contaminated with 150 mg kg-1 Cu). Results revealed that Cu negativelyaffected growth and tolerance indices of F. ovina and the root length was the mostsensitive parameter among all measured parameters. The treatments used for assessingEDTA efficiency were 1.5, 3, 6, 15+1.5, 3+3 mmolkg-1, control (C: uncontaminated soilwithout EDTA) and W (contaminated soil without EDTA). Results showed that theapplication of 1.5 mmolkg-1 of EDTA did not significantly improve the phytoextraction ofCu and statistically, there was no significant difference in Cu uptake between single andsplit applications of 1.5 mmolkg-1 of EDTA. A sharp increase in root Cu concentration wasobserved when 3 mmolkg-1 of EDTA was applied. The highest amount of Cu extracted forthe plant tissues was achieved at the doses of 6 mmolkg-1 and 3+3 mmolkg-1 EDTA,respectively. Higher Remediation Factors (RF) were obtained for the plants grown incontaminated soil and the highest RFs (0.08% and 0.07%) were recorded after the additionof 6 and 3+3 mmolkg-1, respectively. Application of EDTA showed a relatively decrease inTI (Tolerance Index) value and the lowest value of TI was recorded in 6 mmolkg-1 EDTAtreatment. According to the experiment, EDTA has appeared to be an efficient amendmentwhen Cu phyto-extraction with F.ovina was addressed. But further studies would beneeded on investigating the reduction of percolation risk by the amount and process ofchelate application. پرونده مقاله

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    7 - Germination, Growth and Uptake of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soils (Hordeum bulbosum L.)
    Journal of Rangeland Science , شماره 4 , سال 2 , تابستان 2012
    The use of metal-accumulating plants to clean the contaminated soil with toxic metals is the most rapidly developing component of phytoremediation as an environmentally friendly technology. Overcoming harsh soil conditions and accelerating the recovery of degraded soils چکیده کامل
    The use of metal-accumulating plants to clean the contaminated soil with toxic metals is the most rapidly developing component of phytoremediation as an environmentally friendly technology. Overcoming harsh soil conditions and accelerating the recovery of degraded soils remain a worldwide restoration challenge. This study evaluated the effect of different concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cu and Fe on the germination, growth and heavy metal uptake of Hordeum bulbosum L. Results obtained from the current research indicated that the plant gives dose-dependent responses to the contaminated soils. Reduction in germination, root and shoot height and biomass were significantly (P<0.05) different as compared to the control. Exposures of heavy metals in the treatment reduced the size of roots and shoots about 8.68% and 5.05% respectively as compared to the control. However, the concentration of heavy metals was increased at treatment four, the sizes of root and shoot are the same at two and three treatmens. Heavy metal concentrations were significantly higher in the root tissue than aboveground components and plant organs demonstrated a different affinity to take up heavy metals. In all the plant organs, the concentrations of heavy metals increased as the metal contents in the soil increased. پرونده مقاله