فهرست مقالات Adel Dastgoshadeh

  • مقاله

    1 - Professionalism as a Predictor of Reflective Teaching and Criticality of EFL Teachers
    Research in English Language Pedagogy , شماره 5 , سال 10 , پاییز 2022
    The professional development of EFL teachers is supposed to include and be related to many of the teacher’s characteristics that develop during their professional teaching practice. EFL teachers' critical thinking and reflective teaching can also be influenced by چکیده کامل
    The professional development of EFL teachers is supposed to include and be related to many of the teacher’s characteristics that develop during their professional teaching practice. EFL teachers' critical thinking and reflective teaching can also be influenced by their developing cognitive and meta-cognitive professional skills and competencies. This study investigated the relationship between the professional development of EFL teachers and their reflective teaching and critical thinking. It also investigated whether any component(s) of professional development would best predict reflective teaching and critical thinking. To this end, 45 Iranian EFL teachers in Sanandaj participated in the study. They completed three questionnaires as follows. One was a Teachers’ Professional Development Questionnaire to measure the participant teachers’ professional development. The second questionnaire was a Teachers’ Reflective Thinking Questionnaire to assess the participants’ reflective thinking. The third questionnaire was a Critical Thinking Appraisal Form to measure the participants’ critical thinking. Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient was calculated to check the correlation of professional development and its subscales with reflective teaching and critical thinking. Multiple standard regression was run to check whether any component(s) of professional development would predict reflective teaching and critical thinking. The results indicated that out of the three components of professional development, namely, subject-matter field, dedicated field, and pedagogical field, it was the pedagogical field that significantly correlated with and predicted both reflective teaching and critical thinking. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - رعایت هنجارهای فنی و بلاغی زبان فارسی نوشتاری معیار در نوشته‌های فضای تلگرام: بررسی تأثیر هویت زبانی و کاربرد زبان فارسی به‌عنوان زبان اول یا زبان دوم
    زبان و ادب فارسی واحد سنندج , شماره 5 , سال 13 , زمستان 1400
    این مطالعه تأثیر هویت زبانی گویشوران زبان فارسی و کاربرد آن به‌عنوان زبان اول یا زبان دوم را بر رعایت هنجارهای فنی و بلاغی فارسی نوشتاری معیار در فضای تلگرام بررسی کرد. ۱۱۵ نفر از کاربران تلگرام که دانشجوی کاردانی و کارشناسی بودند به‌صورت تصادفی انتخاب شدند و در دو گروه چکیده کامل
    این مطالعه تأثیر هویت زبانی گویشوران زبان فارسی و کاربرد آن به‌عنوان زبان اول یا زبان دوم را بر رعایت هنجارهای فنی و بلاغی فارسی نوشتاری معیار در فضای تلگرام بررسی کرد. ۱۱۵ نفر از کاربران تلگرام که دانشجوی کاردانی و کارشناسی بودند به‌صورت تصادفی انتخاب شدند و در دو گروه زبان مادری و زبان دوم هرکدام با زیرگروه‌های هویت زبانی بالا و پایین تقسیم شدند (مجموعاً چهار گروه ۲۵ نفری). سپس، صفحاتی از نوشته‌های آن‌ها در تلگرام از حیث فنی و بلاغی بررسی شد. نتایج نشان داد که در املا و کاربرد ویرگول، هویت زبانی در هر دو گروه زبان اول و دوم نقش تعیین‌کننده‌ای داشت، ولی در کاربرد نقطه، هویت زبانی فقط در گروه زبان اول مؤثر افتاد و در کاربرد علامت سوال، هویت زبانی نقش مؤثری ایفا نکرد. هم‌چنین، در هر دو گروه زبان اول و دوم، هویت زبانی با استفاده از تعابیر مناسب و چینش صحیح ارکان جمله توأم بود. در املا، ویرگول، علامت سؤال، تعابیر مناسب و ترتیب ارکان جمله، عامل زبان دوم بودن مؤثرتر از هویت زبانی بود ولی در حیطه کاربرد ویرگول، این عامل فقط برای گروه هویت زبانی بالا مؤثر بود. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - A Comparative Study of Metacognitive Strategies in One-way vs. Two-way Speaking Tasks among Iranian EFL Learners
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , شماره 5 , سال 5 , بهار 2016
    This study was an attempt to investigate the effect of metacognitive strategies (MS) on speakingability of the learners and also what MS are specifically employed by learners when it comes todifferent task types. To this end, running a quasi-experimental study, 60 stude چکیده کامل
    This study was an attempt to investigate the effect of metacognitive strategies (MS) on speakingability of the learners and also what MS are specifically employed by learners when it comes todifferent task types. To this end, running a quasi-experimental study, 60 students at advancedlevel (female) from Shenia Language Institute in Sanandaj were randomly selected and given anOxford Placement Test (OPT) as a test of homogeneity. Then they assigned to experimental(n=30) and control (n=30) groups. The MS questionnaire was also administered to see what MSthey employed in speaking tasks. The control group was traditionally taught to practice speakingtasks in a conventional way. The experimental group, however, practiced one-way and two-wayspeaking tasks after receiving MS instruction. After administering the posttest, an ANCOVAcomparison of the mean ratings of the two groups on the posttest test revealed a significantdifference between the speaking ability and MS use of the two groups. The results indicated thatthe experimental group outperformed the control group leading to the conclusion that instructionin MS use prior to oral tasks had a significantly higher impact on EFL leaners’ speaking ability.Statistically, the results obtained from descriptive statistics and the chi-square revealed that thedifference between MS employed by participants in one-way speaking tasks versus two-wayspeaking tasks were significant. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    4 - The Relationship among University Lecturers’ Institutional identity, Professional Identity, and Teaching Efficacy
    Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice , شماره 1 , سال 9 , زمستان 2016
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among Iranian EFL university lecturers’ professional and institutional identity, and their teaching efficacy. To this end, 100 EFL university lecturers from different branches of Islamic Azad Universiti چکیده کامل
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among Iranian EFL university lecturers’ professional and institutional identity, and their teaching efficacy. To this end, 100 EFL university lecturers from different branches of Islamic Azad Universities, including Kermanshah, Isfahan and Hamedan, took part in the study by completing the Professional Identity Questionnaire, the Institutional Identity Questionnaire, and the Teachers’ Efficacy Scale. The sampling strategy for selection of the participants of this study was convenience sampling. To answer the research questions, Pearson product-moment correlation and Multiple-regression analyses were run. The results showed that there exists a statistically significant positive relationship between EFL university lecturers' a) professional identity and teaching efficacy, and b) institutional identity and teaching efficacy. پرونده مقاله