فهرست مقالات عباداله عموزاد مهدیرجی مقاله 1 - Smart Frequency Control in Multi-Carrier Micro-Grid with the Presence of V2G Electric Vehicles Ebadollah Amouzad Mahdiraji Maziyar Khodadadi Zarini journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , شماره 45 , سال 12 , بهار 2023 مقاله 2 - Optimal Switching of Micro-grid Distributed Management based on Equilibrium Models 20.1001.1.25887327.2020. Ebadollah Amouzad Mahdiraji Signal Processing and Renewable Energy , شماره 4 , سال 4 , تابستان 2020 مقاله 3 - Optimal in Smart Grids Considering Interruptible Loads and Photo-voltaic Sources Using Genetic Optimization 20.1001.1.25887327.2020. Ebadollah Amouzad Mahdiraji Nabiollah Ramezani Signal Processing and Renewable Energy , شماره 1 , سال 4 , زمستان 2020 مقاله 4 - Locating and Offering Optimal Price Distributed Generation Resources to Increase Profit Using Ant Lion Optimization Algorithm 20.1001.1.22519246.2019. Ebadollah Amouzad Mahdiraji Seyed Mohammad Shariatmadar International Journal of Smart Electrical Engineering , شماره 5 , سال 8 , پاییز 2019 مقاله 5 - A New Method for Simplification and Reduction of State Estimation’s Computational Complexity in Stability Analysis of Power Systems 20.1001.1.22519246.2019. Ebadollah Amouzad Mahdiraji Seyed Mohammad Shariatmadar International Journal of Smart Electrical Engineering , شماره 2 , سال 8 , بهار 2019 مقاله 6 - Improving the Transient Stability of Power Systems Using STATCOM and Controlling it by Honey Bee Mating Optimization Algorithm 20.1001.1.22519246.2019. Ebadollah Amouzad Mahdiraji Seyed Mohammad Shariatmadar International Journal of Smart Electrical Engineering , شماره 4 , سال 8 , تابستان 2019 مقاله 7 - Locating, Sizing, and Optimal Planning of the Distribution Substations Using Vanadium Flow Battery Storage to Improve the Efficiency of the Power Distribution Network 20.1001.1.22519246.2020. Ebadollah Amouzad Mahdiraji Mojtaba Sedghi Amiri International Journal of Smart Electrical Engineering , شماره 1 , سال 9 , زمستان 2020