فهرست مقالات toraj banirostam

  • مقاله

    1 - A New Method for Intrusion Detection Using Genetic Algorithm and Neural network
    Journal of Advances in Computer Engineering and Technology , شماره 5 , سال 3 , پاییز 2017
    Abstract— In order to provide complete security in a computer system and to prevent intrusion, intrusion detection systems (IDS) are required to detect if an attacker crosses the firewall, antivirus, and other security devices. Data and options to deal with it. In چکیده کامل
    Abstract— In order to provide complete security in a computer system and to prevent intrusion, intrusion detection systems (IDS) are required to detect if an attacker crosses the firewall, antivirus, and other security devices. Data and options to deal with it. In this paper, we are trying to provide a model for combining types of attacks on public data using combined methods of genetic algorithm and neural network. The goal is to make the designed model act as a measure of system attack and combine optimization algorithms to create the ultimate accuracy and reliability for the proposed model and reduce the error rate. To do this, we used a feedback neural network, and by examining the worker, it can be argued that this research with the new approach reduces errors in the classification.with the rapid development of communication and information technology and its applications, especially in computer networks, there is a new competition in information security and network security. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - A Review of Anonymity Algorithms in Big Data
    Journal of Advances in Computer Engineering and Technology , شماره 4 , سال 7 , تابستان 2021
    By increasing access to high amounts of data through internet-based technologies such as social networks and mobile phones and electronic devices, many companies have considered the issues of accessing large, random and fast data along with maintaining data confidential چکیده کامل
    By increasing access to high amounts of data through internet-based technologies such as social networks and mobile phones and electronic devices, many companies have considered the issues of accessing large, random and fast data along with maintaining data confidentiality. Therefore, confidentiality concerns and protection of specific data disclosure are one of the most challenging topics. In this paper, a variety of data anonymity methods, anonymity operators, the attacks that can endanger data anonymity and lead to the disclosure of sensitive data in the big data have been investigated. Also, different aspects of big data such as data sources, content format, data preparation, data processing and common data repositories will be discussed. Privacy attacks and contrastive techniques like k anonymity, neighborhood t and L diversity have been investigated and two main challenges to use k anonymity on big data will be identified, as well. Two main challenges to use k anonymity on big data will be identified. The first challenge of confidential attributes can also be as pseudo-identifier attributes, which increases the number of pseudo-identifier elements, and it may lead to the loss of great information to achieve k anonymity. The second challenge in big data is the unlimited number of data controllers are likely to lead to the disclosure of sensitive data through the independent publication of k anonymity. Then different anonymity algorithms will be presented and finally, the different parameters of time order and the consumable space of big data anonymity algorithms will be compared. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - Predicting the Risk of Diabetes in Iranian Patients with β-Thalassemia Major / Intermedia Based on Artificial Neural Network
    Signal Processing and Renewable Energy , شماره 5 , سال 3 , پاییز 2019
    The purpose of this study is to predict catching diabetes in patients having the β-thalassemia. Here, an intelligent system predicts risk of catching diabetes in patients having major thalassemia and intermedia, using multilayer perceptron according to the thalasse چکیده کامل
    The purpose of this study is to predict catching diabetes in patients having the β-thalassemia. Here, an intelligent system predicts risk of catching diabetes in patients having major thalassemia and intermedia, using multilayer perceptron according to the thalassemia dataset, ZAFAR. In this work, the clinical characteristics of 255 patients, having β-thalassemia, have been studied in two groups of diabetic and non- diabetic patients. Research data includes gender, age, parental family relationship, type of thalassemia, the spleen, gall bladder and liver condition, the age of blood transfusion, blood transfusion intervals, the number of received blood units in each period, the condition of iron overload, the age of start iron chelation therapy, the average of heart T2 rates, the liver T2 and LIC, the number of years having MRI, serum ferritin level, glucose and the number of years the patient was observe. The accuracy of artificial neural network in diagnosing the patients having thalassemia and exposing diabetes would be 80.78% according to the collected dataset. The accuracy rate of the system is 89.48%, using this intelligent system and doing pre-processing. This system has a desirable performance in predicting catching diabetes in patients having β-thalassemia. The best mean square error in this model is 0.07 which results in reducing learning time and increasing the system accuracy. Based on the obtained results from this system, there are two important factors in catching diabetes by the patients having β-thalassemia; first the number of years passed by patient with the high serum ferritin level and second is the glucose level rate in previous years long. The purpose of this study is to predict catching diabetes in patients having the β-thalassemia. Here, an intelligent system predicts risk of catching diabetes in patients having major thalassemia and intermedia, using multilayer perceptron according to the thalassemia dataset, ZAFAR. In this work, the clinical characteristics of 255 patients, having β-thalassemia, have been studied in two groups of diabetic and non- diabetic patients. Research data includes gender, age, parental family relationship, type of thalassemia, the spleen, gall bladder and liver condition, the age of blood transfusion, blood transfusion intervals, the number of received blood units in each period, the condition of iron overload, the age of start iron chelation therapy, the average of heart T2 rates, the liver T2 and LIC, the number of years having MRI, serum ferritin level, glucose and the number of years the patient was observe. The accuracy of artificial neural network in diagnosing the patients having thalassemia and exposing diabetes would be 80.78% according to the collected dataset. The accuracy rate of the system is 89.48%, using this intelligent system and doing pre-processing. This system has a desirable performance in predicting catching diabetes in patients having β-thalassemia. The best mean square error in this model is 0.07 which results in reducing learning time and increasing the system accuracy. Based on the obtained results from this system, there are two important factors in catching diabetes by the patients having β-thalassemia; first the number of years passed by patient with the high serum ferritin level and second is the glucose level rate in previous years long. The purpose of this study is to predict catching diabetes in patients having the β-thalassemia. Here, an intelligent system predicts risk of catching diabetes in patients having major thalassemia and intermedia, using multilayer perceptron according to the thalassemia dataset, ZAFAR. In this work, the clinical characteristics of 255 patients, having β-thalassemia, have been studied in two groups of diabetic and non- diabetic patients. Research data includes gender, age, parental family relationship, type of thalassemia, the spleen, gall bladder and liver condition, the age of blood transfusion, blood transfusion intervals, the number of received blood units in each period, the condition of iron overload, the age of start iron chelation therapy, the average of heart T2 rates, the liver T2 and LIC, the number of years having MRI, serum ferritin level, glucose and the number of years the patient was observe. The accuracy of artificial neural network in diagnosing the patients having thalassemia and exposing diabetes would be 80.78% according to the collected dataset. The accuracy rate of the system is 89.48%, using this intelligent system and doing pre-processing. This system has a desirable performance in predicting catching diabetes in patients having β-thalassemia. The best mean square error in this model is 0.07 which results in reducing learning time and increasing the system accuracy. Based on the obtained results from this system, there are two important factors in catching diabetes by the patients having β-thalassemia; first the number of years passed by patient with the high serum ferritin level and second is the glucose level rate in previous years long. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    4 - A Solution Towards to Detract Cold Start in Recommender Systems Dealing with Singular Value Decomposition
    International Journal of Mathematical Modeling & Computations , شماره 4 , سال 11 , تابستان 2021
    Recommender system based on collaborative filtering (CF) suffers from two basic problems known as cold start and sparse data. Appling metric similarity criteria through matrix factorization is one of the ways to reduce challenge of cold start. However, matrix factorizat چکیده کامل
    Recommender system based on collaborative filtering (CF) suffers from two basic problems known as cold start and sparse data. Appling metric similarity criteria through matrix factorization is one of the ways to reduce challenge of cold start. However, matrix factorization extract characteristics of user vectors & items, to reduce accuracy of recommendations. Therefore, SSVD two-level matrix design was designed to refine features of users and items through NHUSM similarity criteria, which used PSS and URP similarity criteria to increase accuracy to enhance the final recommendations to users. In addition to compare with common recommendation methods, SSVD is evaluated on two real data sets, IMDB &STS. Experimental results depict that proposed SSVD algorithm performs better than traditional methods of User-CF, Items-CF, and SVD recommendation in terms of precision, recall, F1-measure. Our detection emphasizes and accentuate the importance of cold start in recommender system and provide with insights on proposed solutions and limitations, which contributes to the development. پرونده مقاله