فهرست مقالات Saeed Rouhi

  • مقاله

    1 - Strained Carbon Nanotube (SCNT) Thin Layer Effect on GaAs Solar Cells Efficiency
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , شماره 5 , سال 5 , زمستان 2020
    In this paper, the effect of strain on the efficiency of GaAs solar cell is
    investigated. It has been shown that the applied strain during the synthesizing of carbon
    nanotubes (CNTs) leads to changing some of its physical properties. This means that strains
    چکیده کامل
    In this paper, the effect of strain on the efficiency of GaAs solar cell is
    investigated. It has been shown that the applied strain during the synthesizing of carbon
    nanotubes (CNTs) leads to changing some of its physical properties. This means that strains
    can cause numerous changes in the structures. By using a strained layer of the carbon
    nanotubes on the GaAs solar cell, the effect of this layer on the performance of the GaAs
    solar cell is evaluated. This CNT layer can be used for several purposes. The first is to
    create a transparent electrical conductor at the cell surface to increase the output current.
    This purpose is one of the most important applications of this layer. But the second and
    more important goal is to capture more photons and reduce the emission or reflection of
    light emitted onto the cell surface. It is found that the mentioned goals cannot be satisfied
    simultaneously. Accordingly, to solve this problem, two different layers were used to
    achieve the ideal conditions. It has been shown that the use of a 10% uniaxial strained CNT
    layer leads to increase the photon absorption rate onto a non-strained CNT layer for
    electrical purposes. The efficiency of the single-junction GaAs solar cell with the above
    conditions reaches about 31% which is about 2% higher than the model without strain. پرونده مقاله