فهرست مقالات Burcu AYHAN

  • مقاله

    1 - On weakly eR-open functions
    Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra , شماره 4 , سال 5 , تابستان 2016
    The main goal of this paper is to introduce and study a new class of function via the notions of $e$-$\theta$-open sets and $e$-$\theta$-closure operator which are defined by Ozkoc and Aslım [10] called weakly $eR$-open functions and $e$-$\theta$-open functions. Moreove چکیده کامل
    The main goal of this paper is to introduce and study a new class of function via the notions of $e$-$\theta$-open sets and $e$-$\theta$-closure operator which are defined by Ozkoc and Aslım [10] called weakly $eR$-open functions and $e$-$\theta$-open functions. Moreover, we investigate not only some of their basic properties but also their relationships with other types of already existing topological functions. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - Mathematical structures via $e$-open sets
    Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra , شماره 4 , سال 11 , تابستان 2022
    Considering the $e$-kernel defined by \"{O}zko\c{c} and Ayhan [18] in a topological space, a new type of generalized closed set is studied through this article. The aim of this paper is to introduce a new class of sets called $ge\Lambda$-closed sets and $ge\Lambda$-open چکیده کامل
    Considering the $e$-kernel defined by \"{O}zko\c{c} and Ayhan [18] in a topological space, a new type of generalized closed set is studied through this article. The aim of this paper is to introduce a new class of sets called $ge\Lambda$-closed sets and $ge\Lambda$-open sets in a topological space and to study their properties and characterizations. پرونده مقاله