فهرست مقالات sajad yaghobi

  • مقاله

    1 - Velocity Control of Electro Hydraulic Servo System by using a Feedback Error Learning Method
    journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , شماره 5 , سال 3 , زمستان 2014
    In this paper, a new control method based on FEL electro hydraulic servo control withnonlinear flux and internal friction, has been presented. The new approach based oncontrollers combined by a classic PD controller and a fuzzy controller is smart. This newtechnique has چکیده کامل
    In this paper, a new control method based on FEL electro hydraulic servo control withnonlinear flux and internal friction, has been presented. The new approach based oncontrollers combined by a classic PD controller and a fuzzy controller is smart. This newtechnique has a good ability to control the performance and stability. Simulations have beencarried out in Matlab environment and the results are presented below. پرونده مقاله