A new conceptual model for social-ecological environment capacity of debris flow waste-shoal land based on sustainable development in mountainous area
محورهای موضوعی : Land
Peng Zhao
Daojie Wang
Yong Li
Yingchao Fang
Huijuan Lan
Wenle Chen
Zengli Pei
Yuchao Qi
1 - Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Science #.9, Block 4, Renminnanlu Road, Chengdu, China
2 - Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Science #.9, Block 4, Renminnanlu Road, Chengdu, China
3 - Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Science #.9, Block 4, Renminnanlu Road, Chengdu, China
4 - Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Science #.9, Block 4, Renminnanlu Road, Chengdu, China
5 - Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Science #.9, Block 4, Renminnanlu Road, Chengdu, China
6 - Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Science #.9, Block 4, Renminnanlu Road, Chengdu, China
7 - Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Science #.9, Block 4, Renminnanlu Road, Chengdu, China
8 - Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Science #.9, Block 4, Renminnanlu Road, Chengdu, China
کلید واژه: land use, Mountainous area, Debris flow waste-shoal land, Social-ecological environment capacity, Social-ecological systems,
چکیده مقاله :
Background and objectives: Debris flow waste-shoal land (DFWSL) is a unique land resource with significant use prospects and development value (e.g. agriculture, urbanization, and infrastructure land). However, a lack of understanding of environment capacity hinders the development and use of such land.Materials and methods: Therefore, this study examines DFWSL and relevant human and natural factors and proposes the concept of the social-ecological environment capacity (SEEC) of DFWSL. We explain the connotation by exploring the evaluation index system based on various theories, such as the dissipation structure theory, ecological disaster and change theory, ecosystem balance theory, ecosystem functional value assessment theory, land cover/land change, and related knowledge.Results and conclusion: Moreover, we form the framework for and research approaches to the SEEC of DFWSL. In this method, the number of active agents and the activity intensity are considered to evaluate the SEEC of the DFWSL system, and the distribution characteristics of active agents with dynamic states in different spatial and temporal scales are used to characterize the heterogeneity within the DFWSL system. We attempt to provide theoretical guidance for improving land use efficiency in mountainous areas relevant to maintaining ecological security and sustainable economic development.
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