Design and Fabrication of Bone Scaffold Using Ceramic Composite Filament by 3D Printer
محورهای موضوعی : Composite materials
Hamideh Soleymani asl
Fatemeh Kalantarzadeh
Mina Alafzadeh
Mojdeh Azizi
Mahyar Soheily
1 - Department of Aerospace Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
2 - School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ardakan University, Ardakan, Iran
4 - Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Yazd, Iran
5 - Department of Engineering, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
کلید واژه: 3D Printer, Bone Scaffold, Polylactic Acid, Composite filament, Ceramic powder,
چکیده مقاله :
The aging of the middle-aged portion of the population has increased the need for bone tissue scaffolds that help in healing damaged tissue. A 3D printer would be an efficient method for faster and more accurate production of bone scaffolds. This research mainly aims to investigate the pore configuration and the effect of two common ceramic particles (hydroxyapatite (HA) and bioactive glass) on bone scaffold production via fused deposition modeling (FDM). The scaffold building began by determining the optimal scaffold design with respect to percentage porosity and pore shape. The results show that a bone scaffold with square pores and a porosity of 20% is the optimal design. Then, composite filaments made of Polylactic acid (PLA) and the mentioned ceramic particles were prepared. Subsequently, the bone scaffold with a suitable porosity was built using the 3D printer. The results indicated that an appropriate and homogeneous composite with optimal design can constitute a suitable bone scaffold that can benefit from improved biodegradability, adequate mechanical strength, and increased bone regeneration time.
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