Designing real-time biosensors and chemical sensors based on symmetrical photonic crystal heterostructures
محورهای موضوعی : Optical Biosensorsmaryam sharifi 1 , Habib Tajalli 2 , Hamid Pashaei Adl 3 , Payman Tajalli 4
1 - Faculty of physics, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Biophotonics Research Center,Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University
3 - University of Valencia
4 - Germany
کلید واژه: Photonic crystals, Biosensor, Transfer matrix method, Topological Edge Modes, Light-Matter interaction,
چکیده مقاله :
In this paper, we introduce and analytically demonstrate a novel biosensor based on the light-matter interaction in a classic topological photonic crystal (PC) heterostructure, which consists of two opposite-facing 5-period PCs separated by a microfluidic channel. Because of the excitation of topological edge mode (TEM) at the interface of the two PCs, the strong coupling between incident light and TEM produces a high-quality resonance peak, which can be used to detect very small changes in the refractive index of biomaterials such as Jurkat Cells inside the microfluidic channel. The proposed biosensor has a sensitivity as high as 240 nm/RIU and figure of merit (FOM) higher than 250.
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