The effect of TQM practices on job satisfaction in higher education institutes. A systematic literature review from the last two decades
محورهای موضوعی : Design of ExperimentAbdulaziz Abdulrahman Alsaad 1 , Zuraina binti Dato Mansor 2 , Hazrina binti Ghazali 3
2 - International business, human resource management, School of Business and Economics, UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA, MALAYSIA
3 - Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Department of Food Service and Management, UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA, MALAYSIA
کلید واژه: TQM, Job satisfaction, Quality Management, Higher education institutes, work satisfaction, PRISMA state,
چکیده مقاله :
Total quality management (TQM) has emerged as a global concern in the twenty-first century. TQM is an essential strategy for sustaining competitive advantage and managing businesses to improve overall effectiveness and performance in the pursuit of world-class status. Higher education institutions face global competition, technological advancements, cost control and other financial pressures. In this context, current research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of job satisfaction among employees of higher education institutes by implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) practices. Higher education institutions (HEIs) work in an increasingly complicated and challenging environment. In this context, the organization of the paper is as follows the PRISMA statement 2020 to include and exclude records from the Scopus database. Furthermore, we employed key terms occurrences analysis to identify the significant themes in the review literature. The VOS Viewer emphasized the number of keywords and key phrases used in the articles. During the data analysis phase, three key data streams were extracted: quality management, work satisfaction in higher education institutes, and TQM techniques and implementation. The result indicates that accepting quality management, on the other hand, offers the advantage of increasing employees' happiness and more significant learning and service quality. Furthermore, findings indicate that TQM approaches like reward and recognition, employee empowerment, training and education, quality culture, and connection and cooperation all benefit employee job satisfaction. The findings indicate that TQM is a philosophy of continuous improvement that may give a set of skills and scientific instruments to meet any educational institution's current and future requirements and expectations.
Total quality management (TQM) has emerged as a global concern in the twenty-first century. TQM is an essential strategy for sustaining competitive advantage and managing businesses to improve overall effectiveness and performance in the pursuit of world-class status. Higher education institutions face global competition, technological advancements, cost control and other financial pressures. In this context, current research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of job satisfaction among employees of higher education institutes by implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) practices. Higher education institutions (HEIs) work in an increasingly complicated and challenging environment. In this context, the organization of the paper is as follows the PRISMA statement 2020 to include and exclude records from the Scopus database. Furthermore, we employed key terms occurrences analysis to identify the significant themes in the review literature. The VOS Viewer emphasized the number of keywords and key phrases used in the articles. During the data analysis phase, three key data streams were extracted: quality management, work satisfaction in higher education institutes, and TQM techniques and implementation. The result indicates that accepting quality management, on the other hand, offers the advantage of increasing employees' happiness and more significant learning and service quality. Furthermore, findings indicate that TQM approaches like reward and recognition, employee empowerment, training and education, quality culture, and connection and cooperation all benefit employee job satisfaction. The findings indicate that TQM is a philosophy of continuous improvement that may give a set of skills and scientific instruments to meet any educational institution's current and future requirements and expectations.
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