Evaluating the Effect of Visual Quality of Windows' Fields of View, on Mental Health of Apartment Residents, Through the Recording of Brain Waves
محورهای موضوعی : Space Ontology International Journal
Hadi Keshmiri
Maryam Haghayegh
Khosro Movahed
Malihe Taghipour
1 - Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
3 - Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
4 - Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
کلید واژه: Opening, Visual quality, apartment housing, Field of View, Brain Waves,
چکیده مقاله :
In contemporary urban and modern lifestyle, the house, as the dominant and most important living place, is an opportunity to get rid of the pressures and tensions of the outside world. Also, the house can be a space that compensates for the damages caused by urban life on the physical, mental and psychological aspects of the citizens. One of the solutions that are recommended to improve the health of residents in the home is to benefit from a good view through the window, especially in apartments where it is not possible to be in the natural environment and the window is the only opening of the house to the outside world. However, many of today's houses threaten the residents' health by limiting their field of view to windows with limited visibility. For this purpose, the present study examined the impact of visual quality through windows on the mental health of residents, with a quantitative method. Using the EMOTIV electroencephalography device, and the brain waves of the residents in two states, with and without windows by field of view were examined. The results of this study revealed that the effect of the optimal field of view on the brain is similar to the effects of mindfulness and will result in an increase in attention and improvement of the attitude and emotional processing of residents. Mindfulness, as a therapeutic and clinical method, is effective in increasing muscle relaxation and reducing anxiety and stress.
In contemporary urban and modern lifestyle, the house, as the dominant and most important living place, is an opportunity to get rid of the pressures and tensions of the outside world. Also, the house can be a space that compensates for the damages caused by urban life on the physical, mental and psychological aspects of the citizens. One of the solutions that are recommended to improve the health of residents in the home is to benefit from a good view through the window, especially in apartments where it is not possible to be in the natural environment and the window is the only opening of the house to the outside world. However, many of today's houses threaten the residents' health by limiting their field of view to windows with limited visibility. For this purpose, the present study examined the impact of visual quality through windows on the mental health of residents, with a quantitative method. Using the EMOTIV electroencephalography device, and the brain waves of the residents in two states, with and without windows by field of view were examined. The results of this study revealed that the effect of the optimal field of view on the brain is similar to the effects of mindfulness and will result in an increase in attention and improvement of the attitude and emotional processing of residents. Mindfulness, as a therapeutic and clinical method, is effective in increasing muscle relaxation and reducing anxiety and stress.
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