Review on Proto Elamite Tablets
محورهای موضوعی : Archaeology
Zahra Tavakoli
Morteza Hessari
1 - Ph.D. Student, Department of Archeology, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Iranian Center for Archaeological Research, Research Institute of Iranian Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization, Tehran, Iran
کلید واژه: Proto Elamite, Numerical clay tablets, Proto Elamite era extent, Accounting in Proto Elamite,
چکیده مقاله :
In the second half of the fourth millennium BC. Southwest Asia underwent social changes, the result of which was the emergence of writing. In these developments, the cuneiform script in the south of the Mesopotamia and the Proto Elamite in the Iranian plateau progressed rapidly to such an extent that at the beginning of Elamite was scattered throughout the Iranian plateau. These writing systems were used for administrative and accounting purposes, and despite the fact that most of their signs are different from each other; there are important similarities between the two. Chalcolithic era, the best period in which you can see the idea of trading's and keeping of account; for the first time in this course, tools are seen which called them Token; it seems that the tokens in a variety of forms and counting symbols refer to a specific concept. The end of this period coincides with the Proto Elamites era in the south and southwest of Iran. Domestic production in the Neolithic period gave his place to the production of a workshop in the Chalcolithic era, which causes a lot of production. In the present study, firstly, will be investigated, small clay counters and then the Proto Elamite texts.
In the second half of the fourth millennium BC. Southwest Asia underwent social changes, the result of which was the emergence of writing. In these developments, the cuneiform script in the south of the Mesopotamia and the Proto Elamite in the Iranian plateau progressed rapidly to such an extent that at the beginning of Elamite was scattered throughout the Iranian plateau. These writing systems were used for administrative and accounting purposes, and despite the fact that most of their signs are different from each other; there are important similarities between the two. Chalcolithic era, the best period in which you can see the idea of trading's and keeping of account; for the first time in this course, tools are seen which called them Token; it seems that the tokens in a variety of forms and counting symbols refer to a specific concept. The end of this period coincides with the Proto Elamites era in the south and southwest of Iran. Domestic production in the Neolithic period gave his place to the production of a workshop in the Chalcolithic era, which causes a lot of production. In the present study, firstly, will be investigated, small clay counters and then the Proto Elamite texts.
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