هوش فرهنگی عامل موفقیت سرپرستان ورزشی ایران: نقش تسلط به زبان انگلیسی
محورهای موضوعی : مطالعات جامعه شناسی ورزشی
لیلا میرواحدی
زهره مشکاتی
سحر فائقی
1 - گروه رفتار حرکتی، دانشکده علوم ورزشی، واحد اصفهان(خوراسگان)، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اصفهان، ایران.
2 - گروه رفتار حرکتی، دانشکده علوم ورزشی، واحد اصفهان(خوراسگان)، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اصفهان، ایران.
3 - گروه مدیریت، دانشکده حکمرانی اسلامی، واحد اصفهان (خوراسگان)، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اصفهان، ایران
کلید واژه: سرپرستان ورزشی, زبان انگیسی, تحلیل مضمون, تجربه زیسته, هوشفرهنگی,
چکیده مقاله :
هدف: هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی عوامل تسلط به زبان انگلیسی به عنوان عامل پیش بینیکننده هوش فرهنگی (CQ) سرپرستان ورزشی ایران بود.روش شناسی: در این مطالعه با رویکرد کیفی از روش پدیدارشناسی استفاده شد.12 نفر از سرپرستان ورزشی زن و مرد که حداقل یک دوره ورزشکاران خود را به مسابقات بین المللی اعزام کرده بودند به صورت هدفمند و همگون انتخاب شدند. برای گردآوری اطلاعات از مصاحبههای نیمه ساختاریافته استفاده شد. دادهها با روش تحلیل مضمون مورد بررسی قرارگرفتند.یافتهها: عوامل تسلط به زبان انگلیسی در قالب 3 مضمون فراگیر "ساختاری"، "فردی" و "محیطی" شناسایی گردید. مضمون فراگیر عوامل ساختاری از مضامین پایه؛ آموزش، ارتباط با واسطه مترجم و تبادل اطلاعات، تدوین گردید. مضمون فراگیر عوامل فردی از مضامین پایه؛ رفتار کلامی، برقراری ارتباط و تعاملات هدفمند، تشکیل شد و مضمون فراگیر عوامل محیطی شامل مضامین پایه؛ تبادل فرهنگها، رعایت قوانین و آگاهی از قوانین، بود.نتیجهگیری: یافتهها نشان داد که یکی از مولفههای هوشفرهنگی، تسلط به زبان انگلیسی است. تسلط به زبان انگلیسی عامل اصلی برقراری ارتباطات موثر در فضاهای بینفرهنگی است. پژوهش حاضر اهمیت دادن به موضوع تسلط به زبان انگلیسی در جهت رسیدن به موفقیتهای بیشتر سرپرستان ورزشی ایران در عرصههای بین المللی را پیشنهاد میکند.
Objective: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the factors of English language proficiency as a predictor of cultural intelligence (Earley, Ang. 2003) of Iranian sports supervisors.Methodology: Phenomenological method was used in this study with a qualitative approach (Holloway & Todres, 2003). The research population, 12 male and female sports supervisors who had sent their athletes to international competitions at least once, were selected purposefully and homogeneously. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect information. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis method (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Classification and coding were done under the supervision of an expert. Findings: The factors of English language proficiency were identified and formulated in the form of three overarching themes "structural", "individual" and "environmental". The overarching theme of "structural factors" was identified the basic themes; holding English language classes for sports supervisors, using translators in the conversations of sports events, getting help from the international relations experts of the federations in facing new cultural situations and themes of the organization; training, communication through a translator and exchange of information. The overarching theme of "individual factors" was formed the basic themes; the use of key words in the language of the host community during conversations, an interest in maintaining communication with foreign counterparts during Sports events in intercultural sports environments, expressing the needs and requests of the team in international spaces through mastering the English language and organizational themes; verbal behavior, communication and purposeful interactions. The overarching theme of "factors Environment" including basic themes; attending sports meetings and events and the need to establish intercultural communication with other sports communities, conducting administrative correspondence with sports institutions in English and announcing rules, approvals and changes of global sports events in English and organizational themes; exchange of cultures, compliance with the rules and knowledge of the rules.Conclusion: Overall, the findings showed that one of the components of cultural intelligence, especially in intercultural situations, is mastery of the English language. Mastering the English language is the main factor for establishing effective communication in intercultural spaces. The current research suggests giving importance to the issue of mastering the English language in order to achieve greater success of Iranian sports supervisors in international arenas.
Ali salimi, e., & mohamadian, z. (2014). amoozesh. Journal of Research in Educational Science, 7(23), 179-201.(persian)
Ang, S., & Van Dyne, L. (2008). Conceptualization of cultural intelligence: Definition, distinctiveness, and nomological network. Handbook of cultural inth elligence: Theory, measurement, and applications, 3-15.
Barner-Rasmussen, W., Ehrnrooth, M., Koveshnikov, A., & Mäkelä, K. (2014). Cultural and language skills as resources for boundary spanning within the MNC. Journal of International Business Studies, 45(7), 886-905.
Beck, C. T., Keddy, B. A., & Cohen, M. Z. (1994). Reliability and validity issues in phenomenological research. Western journal of nursing research,16(3), 254-267.
Bhaskar-Shrinivas, P., Harrison, D. A., Shaffer, M. A., & Luk, D. M. (2005). Input-based and time-based models of international adjustment: Meta-analytic evidence and theoretical extensions. Academy of management Journal, 48(2), 257-281.
Black, J. S. (1988). Work role transitions: A study of American expatriate managers in Japan. Journal of international business studies,19(2),277-294.
Buchler, R. K. (2013). Anxiety-reducing strategies in the classroom: Western Michigan University.
Bücker, J. J., Furrer, O., Poutsma, E., & Buyens, D. (2014). The impact of cultural intelligence on communication effectiveness, job satisfaction and anxiety for Chinese host country managers working for foreign multinationals. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(14), 2068-2087.
Caligiuri, P. M. (2000). The big five personality characteristics as predictors of expatriate's desire to terminate the assignment and supervisor‐rated performance. Personnel psychology,53(1), 67-88.
Chen, A. S.-y., Lin, Y.-c., & Sawangpattanakul, A. (2011). The relationship between cultural intelligence and performance with the mediating effect of culture shock: A case from Philippine laborers in Taiwan. International Journal of Intercultural Relations,35(2), 246-258.
Chen, G., Kirkman, B. L., Kim, K., Farh, C. I., & Tangirala, S. (2010). When does cross-cultural motivation enhance expatriate effectiveness? A multilevel investigation of the moderating roles of subsidiary support and cultural distance. Academy of management Journal, 53(5), 1110-1130.
Dehestani, M., Zangane, F., Jafarzadeh, R., & Khodadoust, S. (2019). Comparison of Learning Styles and Academic Goal Orientation in Bilingual and Monolingual Students. Cultural Psychology, 3(1),193-207. (persian)
Earley, P. C., & Ang, S. (2003). Cultural intelligence: Individual interactions across cultures.
Froese, F. J., Peltokorpi, V., & Ko, K. A. (2012). The influence of intercultural communication on cross-cultural adjustment and work attitudes: Foreign workers in South Korea. International Journal of Intercultural Relations,36(3), 331-342.
Genc, B., & Bada, E. (2005). Culture in language learning and teaching.
Giulianotti, R., & Robertson, R. (2004). The globalization of football: a study in the glocalization of the ‘serious life’. The British journal of sociology,55(4), 545-568.
Halle, T., Hair, E., Wandner, L., McNamara, M., & Chien, N. (2012). Predictors and outcomes of early versus later English language proficiency among English language learners. Early childhood research quarterly,27(1), 1-20.
Harzing, A. W., & Feely, A. J. (2008). The language barrier and its implications for HQ‐subsidiary relationships. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal.
Khani, A., Etebarian, A., & Abzari, M. (2011). The relationship between cultural intelligence and group effectiveness in Mobarakeh steel company. African Journal of Business Management, 5(17), 7507. (Persian)
Kumar, N., & Rose, R. C. (2008). The bond between intelligences: Cultural, emotional, and social. Performance Improvement, 47(10), 42-48.
Kwantes, C. T., Karam, C. M., Kuo, B. C., & Towson, S. (2008). Culture's influence on the perception of OCB as in-role or extra-role. International Journal of Intercultural Relations,32(3), 229-243.
Livermore, D., Van Dyne, L. & Ang, S. (2022). Organizational CQ: Cultural intelligence for 21st-century organizations, Business Horizons, Volume 65, Issue 5, Pages 671-680, ISSN 0007-6813, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2021.11.001.
Lok, S. (2019). How does a facilitator’s perspective of cultural intelligence influence Chinese sport and recreation participation? , Auckland University of Technology.
Marschan, R., Welch, D., & Welch, L. (1997). Language: The forgotten factor in multinational management. European Management Journal,15(5), 591-598.
Meshkati, Z., Faeghi, S., & Payandeh Najafabadi, Amir. T. (2022). The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Sports Success by using Bayesian Analysis Approach (Case Study: Athletes of the Iranian National Canoe-Polo Team). Strategic Sociological Studies in Sport, 2(3). (Persian)
Mokhtari Dinani, M., Kozechian, H., & Nazarian Madavani, A. (2015). The relationship between cultural intelligence and leadership effectiveness of sport managers. Sport Management Studies, 7(30), 185-202. (Persian)
Murray, N. (2013). Widening participation and English language proficiency: A convergence with implications for assessment practices in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 38(2), 299-311.
Nazari, R., Sohrabi, Z., & Ehsani, M. (2016). Develop Structural Equation Model Classification Managers Based on Communication Skills and Cultural Intelligence in Isfahan’s sports organizations. Sport Management Journal, 8(1),121-135. (Persian)
Ott, D. L., & Michailova, S. (2018). Cultural intelligence: A review and new research avenues. International Journal of Management Reviews, 20(1), 99-119.
Reese, J. D., & Batista, P. (2013). Cultural Intelligence: An Examination of Sport Management Study Abroad Education.
Smith, S. M., & Shaffer, D. R. (1995). Speed of speech and persuasion: Evidence for multiple effects. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 21(10),1051-1060.
Sohrabi, Z., & Moharamzade, M. (2022). Classification Sport managers through communication skills and cultural intelligence in sports organizations. Strategic Sociological Studies in Sport, 1(1). (Persian)
Sorgen, A. (2015). Integration through participation: The effects of participating in an English conversation club on refugee and asylum seeker integration. Applied Linguistics Review, 6(2), 241-260.
Sternberg, R. J., Siriner, I., Oh, J., & Wong, C. H. (2022). Cultural Intelligence: What Is It and How Can It Effectively Be Measured? Journal of Intelligence, 10(3), 54. https://doi.org/10.3390/jintelligence10030054
Takeuchi, R. (2010). A critical review of expatriate adjustment research through a multiple stakeholder view: Progress, emerging trends, and prospects. Journal of management, 36(4), 1040-1064.
Tange, H., & Lauring, J. (2009). Language management and social interaction within the multilingual workplace. Journal of Communication Management.
Thitthongkam, T., & Walsh, J. (2010). Roles of language in tourism organisational management. Asian Journal of Management Research, 1(1), 184-199.
Thomas, D. R., & Dyall, L. (1999). Culture, ethnicity, and sport management: A New Zealand perspective. Sport Management Review,2(2), 115-132.
Tsou, W. (2005). The effects of cultural instruction on foreign language learning. RELC journal, 36(1), 39-57.
Ward, C., Fischer, R., Zaid Lam, F. S., & Hall, L. (2009). The convergent, discriminant, and incremental validity of scores on a self-report measure of cultural intelligence. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 69(1), 85-105.
Weiss, O., & Norden, G. (2021). Sport and the Social Group Introduction to the Sociology of Sport (pp. 99-121): Brill.
Zhang, L. E., & Peltokorpi, V. (2016). Multifaceted effects of host country language proficiency in expatriate cross-cultural adjustments: a qualitative study in China. The International Journal of Human Resource Management,27(13), 1448-1469.
Ali salimi, e., & mohamadian, z. (2014). amoozesh. Journal of Research in Educational Science, 7(23), 179-201.(persian)
Ang, S., & Van Dyne, L. (2008). Conceptualization of cultural intelligence: Definition, distinctiveness, and nomological network. Handbook of cultural inth elligence: Theory, measurement, and applications, 3-15.
Barner-Rasmussen, W., Ehrnrooth, M., Koveshnikov, A., & Mäkelä, K. (2014). Cultural and language skills as resources for boundary spanning within the MNC. Journal of International Business Studies, 45(7), 886-905.
Beck, C. T., Keddy, B. A., & Cohen, M. Z. (1994). Reliability and validity issues in phenomenological research. Western journal of nursing research,16(3), 254-267.
Bhaskar-Shrinivas, P., Harrison, D. A., Shaffer, M. A., & Luk, D. M. (2005). Input-based and time-based models of international adjustment: Meta-analytic evidence and theoretical extensions. Academy of management Journal, 48(2), 257-281.
Black, J. S. (1988). Work role transitions: A study of American expatriate managers in Japan. Journal of international business studies,19(2),277-294.
Buchler, R. K. (2013). Anxiety-reducing strategies in the classroom: Western Michigan University.
Bücker, J. J., Furrer, O., Poutsma, E., & Buyens, D. (2014). The impact of cultural intelligence on communication effectiveness, job satisfaction and anxiety for Chinese host country managers working for foreign multinationals. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(14), 2068-2087.
Caligiuri, P. M. (2000). The big five personality characteristics as predictors of expatriate's desire to terminate the assignment and supervisor‐rated performance. Personnel psychology,53(1), 67-88.
Chen, A. S.-y., Lin, Y.-c., & Sawangpattanakul, A. (2011). The relationship between cultural intelligence and performance with the mediating effect of culture shock: A case from Philippine laborers in Taiwan. International Journal of Intercultural Relations,35(2), 246-258.
Chen, G., Kirkman, B. L., Kim, K., Farh, C. I., & Tangirala, S. (2010). When does cross-cultural motivation enhance expatriate effectiveness? A multilevel investigation of the moderating roles of subsidiary support and cultural distance. Academy of management Journal, 53(5), 1110-1130.
Dehestani, M., Zangane, F., Jafarzadeh, R., & Khodadoust, S. (2019). Comparison of Learning Styles and Academic Goal Orientation in Bilingual and Monolingual Students. Cultural Psychology, 3(1),193-207. (persian)
Earley, P. C., & Ang, S. (2003). Cultural intelligence: Individual interactions across cultures.
Froese, F. J., Peltokorpi, V., & Ko, K. A. (2012). The influence of intercultural communication on cross-cultural adjustment and work attitudes: Foreign workers in South Korea. International Journal of Intercultural Relations,36(3), 331-342.
Genc, B., & Bada, E. (2005). Culture in language learning and teaching.
Giulianotti, R., & Robertson, R. (2004). The globalization of football: a study in the glocalization of the ‘serious life’. The British journal of sociology,55(4), 545-568.
Halle, T., Hair, E., Wandner, L., McNamara, M., & Chien, N. (2012). Predictors and outcomes of early versus later English language proficiency among English language learners. Early childhood research quarterly,27(1), 1-20.
Harzing, A. W., & Feely, A. J. (2008). The language barrier and its implications for HQ‐subsidiary relationships. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal.
Khani, A., Etebarian, A., & Abzari, M. (2011). The relationship between cultural intelligence and group effectiveness in Mobarakeh steel company. African Journal of Business Management, 5(17), 7507. (Persian)
Kumar, N., & Rose, R. C. (2008). The bond between intelligences: Cultural, emotional, and social. Performance Improvement, 47(10), 42-48.
Kwantes, C. T., Karam, C. M., Kuo, B. C., & Towson, S. (2008). Culture's influence on the perception of OCB as in-role or extra-role. International Journal of Intercultural Relations,32(3), 229-243.
Livermore, D., Van Dyne, L. & Ang, S. (2022). Organizational CQ: Cultural intelligence for 21st-century organizations, Business Horizons, Volume 65, Issue 5, Pages 671-680, ISSN 0007-6813, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2021.11.001.
Lok, S. (2019). How does a facilitator’s perspective of cultural intelligence influence Chinese sport and recreation participation? , Auckland University of Technology.
Marschan, R., Welch, D., & Welch, L. (1997). Language: The forgotten factor in multinational management. European Management Journal,15(5), 591-598.
Meshkati, Z., Faeghi, S., & Payandeh Najafabadi, Amir. T. (2022). The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Sports Success by using Bayesian Analysis Approach (Case Study: Athletes of the Iranian National Canoe-Polo Team). Strategic Sociological Studies in Sport, 2(3). (Persian)
Mokhtari Dinani, M., Kozechian, H., & Nazarian Madavani, A. (2015). The relationship between cultural intelligence and leadership effectiveness of sport managers. Sport Management Studies, 7(30), 185-202. (Persian)
Murray, N. (2013). Widening participation and English language proficiency: A convergence with implications for assessment practices in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 38(2), 299-311.
Nazari, R., Sohrabi, Z., & Ehsani, M. (2016). Develop Structural Equation Model Classification Managers Based on Communication Skills and Cultural Intelligence in Isfahan’s sports organizations. Sport Management Journal, 8(1),121-135. (Persian)
Ott, D. L., & Michailova, S. (2018). Cultural intelligence: A review and new research avenues. International Journal of Management Reviews, 20(1), 99-119.
Reese, J. D., & Batista, P. (2013). Cultural Intelligence: An Examination of Sport Management Study Abroad Education.
Smith, S. M., & Shaffer, D. R. (1995). Speed of speech and persuasion: Evidence for multiple effects. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 21(10),1051-1060.
Sohrabi, Z., & Moharamzade, M. (2022). Classification Sport managers through communication skills and cultural intelligence in sports organizations. Strategic Sociological Studies in Sport, 1(1). (Persian)
Sorgen, A. (2015). Integration through participation: The effects of participating in an English conversation club on refugee and asylum seeker integration. Applied Linguistics Review, 6(2), 241-260.
Sternberg, R. J., Siriner, I., Oh, J., & Wong, C. H. (2022). Cultural Intelligence: What Is It and How Can It Effectively Be Measured? Journal of Intelligence, 10(3), 54. https://doi.org/10.3390/jintelligence10030054
Takeuchi, R. (2010). A critical review of expatriate adjustment research through a multiple stakeholder view: Progress, emerging trends, and prospects. Journal of management, 36(4), 1040-1064.
Tange, H., & Lauring, J. (2009). Language management and social interaction within the multilingual workplace. Journal of Communication Management.
Thitthongkam, T., & Walsh, J. (2010). Roles of language in tourism organisational management. Asian Journal of Management Research, 1(1), 184-199.
Thomas, D. R., & Dyall, L. (1999). Culture, ethnicity, and sport management: A New Zealand perspective. Sport Management Review,2(2), 115-132.
Tsou, W. (2005). The effects of cultural instruction on foreign language learning. RELC journal, 36(1), 39-57.
Ward, C., Fischer, R., Zaid Lam, F. S., & Hall, L. (2009). The convergent, discriminant, and incremental validity of scores on a self-report measure of cultural intelligence. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 69(1), 85-105.
Weiss, O., & Norden, G. (2021). Sport and the Social Group Introduction to the Sociology of Sport (pp. 99-121): Brill.
Zhang, L. E., & Peltokorpi, V. (2016). Multifaceted effects of host country language proficiency in expatriate cross-cultural adjustments: a qualitative study in China. The International Journal of Human Resource Management,27(13), 1448-1469.