A Corpus Analysis of Lexical Bundles: Abstracts of the Financial-economic Sciences
Israa Ezziddeen Ali
Department of English Language and Literature, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Javad Gholami
Department of English Language and Literature, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
کلید واژه: lexical bundles, abstracts, corpus analysis, financial-economic sciences,
چکیده مقاله :
Investigating lexical bundles (LBs) in financial-economic research articles (RAs) can provide valuable insights for local and international publications. By analyzing the LBs of an international corpus of financial-economic science RAs, researchers can identify common patterns and structures representative of the field. This analysis can reveal writers' communicative purposes while writing, how they construct their papers, and in what sequence they organize their articles. Using corpus analysis, the present study examined the lexical bundles of English language RAs—Abstract—sections that were published in international journals in the financial-economic sciences. Using functional taxonomies as a basis, the corpus-driven technique was used to find and examine lexical bundles that were found (Hyland, 2008c). The current study's findings shed light on the significance of RAs' knowledge of lexical bundles. This knowledge may make it easier for new authors and graduate students to produce research articles that will be published. This information can benefit non-native English speakers looking to publish their research in international journals.
چکیده انگلیسی :
Investigating lexical bundles (LBs) in financial-economic research articles (RAs) can provide valuable insights for local and international publications. By analyzing the LBs of an international corpus of financial-economic science RAs, researchers can identify common patterns and structures representative of the field. This analysis can reveal writers' communicative purposes while writing, how they construct their papers, and in what sequence they organize their articles. Using corpus analysis, the present study examined the lexical bundles of English language RAs—Abstract—sections that were published in international journals in the financial-economic sciences. Using functional taxonomies as a basis, the corpus-driven technique was used to find and examine lexical bundles that were found (Hyland, 2008c). The current study's findings shed light on the significance of RAs' knowledge of lexical bundles. This knowledge may make it easier for new authors and graduate students to produce research articles that will be published. This information can benefit non-native English speakers looking to publish their research in international journals.
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