Analysis of urban form indicator for optimizing renewable energy use in coastal cities: a case study of Tonekabon
محورهای موضوعی : Space Ontology International Journal
Farshad Rafipour
Maryam Khastou
Vahid Bigdeli Rad
1 - Department of Urban Planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
2 - Department of Urban Panning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
3 - Department of Urban Panning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
کلید واژه: Urban form, renewable energies, COPRAS,
چکیده مقاله :
Population growth and high energy consumption in buildings have prompted a need for urban space, infrastructure, and transportation networks to incorporate environmental protection measures and mitigate related challenges. This has led to the integration of renewable energy considerations into urban planning and design, necessitating changes in the physical and spatial layout of cities. The interrelationships among various components and form parameters of urban blocks—such as density, orientation, building facades, transportation access, climate, and land use—are increasingly important, especially in coastal cities. Additionally, the adoption of new technologies is gaining emphasis in contemporary society. The purpose of this study is to analyze and examine the indicators of urban form that influence the effective use of renewable energies in coastal cities, with a specific focus on Tonekabon. Information was gathered through documentary research, surveys, field observations, and library studies. Using content analysis, the study highlights the importance and role of each urban form component suitable for coastal areas and their impact on renewable energy efficiency. It also reviews the intellectual foundations and various research efforts related to urban form and energy, while identifying challenges faced by researchers in this domain. Employing a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) method and complex proportional assessment (COPRAS), the study evaluates the effectiveness of different urban form indicators on the efficiency of solar, wind, and sea wave energies, prioritizing them accordingly. The central research question addresses which type of renewable energy is most effective in coastal cities, particularly in Tonekabon. Findings indicate that a thorough assessment of urban form and climate indicators reveals solar energy as the most efficient, followed by wind and sea wave energies.
Population growth and high energy consumption in buildings have prompted a need for urban space, infrastructure, and transportation networks to incorporate environmental protection measures and mitigate related challenges. This has led to the integration of renewable energy considerations into urban planning and design, necessitating changes in the physical and spatial layout of cities. The interrelationships among various components and form parameters of urban blocks—such as density, orientation, building facades, transportation access, climate, and land use—are increasingly important, especially in coastal cities. Additionally, the adoption of new technologies is gaining emphasis in contemporary society. The purpose of this study is to analyze and examine the indicators of urban form that influence the effective use of renewable energies in coastal cities, with a specific focus on Tonekabon. Information was gathered through documentary research, surveys, field observations, and library studies. Using content analysis, the study highlights the importance and role of each urban form component suitable for coastal areas and their impact on renewable energy efficiency. It also reviews the intellectual foundations and various research efforts related to urban form and energy, while identifying challenges faced by researchers in this domain. Employing a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) method and complex proportional assessment (COPRAS), the study evaluates the effectiveness of different urban form indicators on the efficiency of solar, wind, and sea wave energies, prioritizing them accordingly. The central research question addresses which type of renewable energy is most effective in coastal cities, particularly in Tonekabon. Findings indicate that a thorough assessment of urban form and climate indicators reveals solar energy as the most efficient, followed by wind and sea wave energies.
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